Operation Nurture Mommy: Free and Low Cost Ways to Take Care of Myself without Breaking the Bank

I am worn out, emotionally that is. Over the last couple of months I have been doing a lot of extra giving, especially to my kids. I love them so much and want them to have the best of me. I want to be emotionally present and assure them of my love and interest in their lives.

It seems the fallout of being a single mom is the need to over express and give abundant reassurance that my kids are okay. They are loved and wanted. (more…)

Single Mom Thriving is Not for the Faint of Heart

This has been a slow week on the blog but a busy week in my life. That doesn’t mean that I don’t care about you guys. I am very concerned about how all of you are doing.

I got an email from a lady who is having a really rough time with unemployment and custody battles for her kids. It saddens me that so many are struggling. It is a fact of life, but I am a firm believer that things can and will change with a lot of prayer, a plan, and perseverance. A good support network is priceless as well.


Survival is the theme of most single moms. Whether it’s the struggle to get adequate childcare, a better job, to put food on the table, or a hundred other things, survival is the common element.


Too often surviving becomes such a large focus of life that it completely overshadows everything else. What happens when survival is the focus? (more…)

Rich Single Momma’s Favorite Personal Finance Blogs, Websites and Books

Rich Single Momma is basically a personal finance blog for single moms. We talk about money issues for single moms and how to improve our situation.

My journey of financial independence began some time ago and for the last 10 years I have been reading personal finance websites and blogs. That’s a pretty long time, but in that time I’ve learned so much about how to manage, save, invest, and make extra money.

The wisdom that’s I’ve gathered from these sites is the same wisdom I pass on to you. I love reading and researching, especially on the internet, so I come across the most interesting information.

Here are a few of my favorite personal finance sites: (more…)

Side Hustle Round-up

sidehusseriesOver the last few months I’ve been sharing ways to make extra money on the side. I’ve covered most interests but there are still many more to consider.

If you got a copy of the Side Hustles for Single Moms ebook, you know that there are over 200 ways to make extra money. But repetition always leaves an impression so I’ll review a few of the past side hustles now. (more…)