Getting Rich – Six Steps From Napoleon Hill

Getting Rich – Six Steps From Napoleon Hill
By Lee Ann Price

There is a scientifically proven system to obtaining wealth and prosperity. That’s a bold statement to be sure. But, I have used the system (both in obtaining wealth and the reverse). And, so you don’t take just my word; countless books have been written on the subject. Two books that I think are classics are; Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles. In this short article it’s my intention to just open your mind to the possibility that such a system exists.

Without going into the why (that would be a book) – I’m going to give you what you can do in six easy to follow steps: (more…)

Single Parents In College – How To Meet The Double Challenge

Today is a guest post about how to balance going to college with the time and money challenges you will face. This article comes at the request of several of  you who wanted to know how to handle the juggling act.  I will write a post about my own experiences in the next week or so. Enjoy the article and leave comments about your thoughts.

Single Parents In College – How To Meet The Double Challenge
Abhishek Agarwal

Experts think that two of every ten college students today is a single parent, whether male or female. And the number of single parents in college is on a steady rise. This shouldn’t really be surprising since single-parent households have been on a sharp and steady increase for several decades. Whether by chance or choice, single parenting is a popular lifestyle for adults today.

Today, there are more single parents enrolled in college than ever before. Single parents face difficult challenges, and single parents who are also college students have additional stresses and demands to deal with. (more…)

7 Money Tips for Single Moms

The relationship between single moms and money is turbulent. Her struggle to get more to take care of her family seems endless and the more she tries it seems the more illusive it becomes. But a bigger issue with money is how to manage what she has and discover new ways to get a little (or lot) extra.

Here are seven tips for single moms that may make the relationship more agreeable: (more…)

Managing Your Finances During Divorce

Divorce may be considered one of the most stressful time for any family going through it.  It can be stressful emotionally and financially.  Objectively, any divorce can be settled with less problems and stress.  However, due to the height of emotions, both spouses can be unreasonable and pig-headed.  The emotions are usually triggered by fear, anger, and their respective perceptions of failure.

The impact of the divorce on the children can likewise add to complications.  Though the mother has always been favored in child custody, the divorce case can drag on for a long period because of disputes in alimony, child support, (more…)

Insurance Must-Haves for Solo Parents

For many people, insurance is a big part of their financial plans regardless of their status. But for a single mom like me, it is a necessity. If there is anything that single parents shouldn’t be without, it’s a contingency plan. Having only one person taking care of the family means there is hardly someone else to fall back on if something goes awry. This is where insurance comes in as the family’s safety net.

Before I discuss the types of insurance single parents need, it is first important to determine how much of your pay you can allocate for insurance premiums. (more…)