Single Mom Money Tips – Gratitude is Big

smmtsThe Single Mom Money Tips continues with a few pointers about having an attitude of gratitude. You will notice a very different perspective when you change how you view life through the eyes of thankfulness.

1. Pay your bills with a grateful heart. The services you receive in exchange for your money are essential for living. (more…)

Single Mom Money Tips – Get Creative

smmtsThe Single Mom Money Tips series is back with a few more ways to make the most of your money. These tips will also help you think outside of the box in getting what you want.

1. Discover other ways to get what you really want (money may not be the bottom line). With money constantly on the brain we forget that it is not what we really want. (more…)

Single Mom Money Tips – Get Your Head Straight

Single mom money tipsThese tips in the Single Mom Money series gets into the meat of how to be successful with money. Getting your head straight is another important key to attracting money into your life and making the most of what you already have.

1. Change your thinking about money. For many people, especially single moms, money has many negative connotations. You don’t have it, there is not enough of it, and you don’t know where the next batch is coming from. We have a tendency to think that it is out of reach we struggle with it.

2. Money is simply a tool to get the things we need and want. Of course not having it and thinking about your lack will not make it come to you any faster.

3. When you change your thinking about money, see its true purpose, and realize it’s abundance you will have more of it.

4. Remember that there is more money available for you. Whenever I have to pay a bill, write a check, or spend money I keep this truth in mind. I will have more, not because I am doing anything special but because I just know that it will come again.

5. Let the money go to receive more. Sometimes we get so caught up in holding on to money with such tight fists that we fail to understand that a closed hand cannot receive more.

Single Mom Money Tips – Extra Money

Single Mom Money TipsThe Single Mom Money Tips series continues. This blog is known for the side hustle series so some of this you may know but just for reminder sake here are a few more tips on making extra money.

1.    Find a way to make extra money from your skills and talents. I talk about this on my blog and now I am talking about it again.

2.    Have multiple streams of income; it is almost a sin if you don’t.

3.    Your extra income doesn’t have to be consistent at first but enough to give you extra money for the special thing you want to do or have.

4.    Do something you are passionate about or just be able to see what people need/want and fill it.

5.    Check out Rich Single Momma for side hustle ideas.

6.    Take a class on starting a business through the local Chamber of Commerce. You don’t have to have an MBA to run a business but you can take a class.

Single Mom Money Tips – Banking Basics

Single Mom Money TipsIn the continuing series on Single Mom Money tips today I’ll share a few banking basics.

1. Join a Credit Union to avoid outrageous bank fees.  Your money will earn interest over time.

2. Banks are notorious for nickel and diming people to death. There is a fee for everything from checks to account balances below a certain amount.

3. A credit union may be one available through your employer, your state, or your school. (look for credit union website)

Research, Research for Best Deals
4. Research products or services online for quality and price before purchasing. Before you go out and buy a product or hire someone to do a job for you please, please check online.

5. When you research prices and quality of service you can same much time, effort and possible frustration.

6. Places to go online are Google,, ePinions,, and a few others.

7. Get the inside scoop on the quality of a product and to get a good idea about how much it will cost. You can never go wrong with good research.