What financial secrets can single moms learn from America’s Billionaires? They seem worlds apart, but there are lessons we all can learn from who Forbes says are the top 10 wealthiest Americans. Here is the list of their names and the highlights of their net worth:

1. Bill Gates

Net Worth: $76 B
Source of wealth: Microsoft

5. David Koch

Net Worth: $41 B
Source of wealth: diversified
2. Warren Buffett
Net Worth: $62 B
Source of wealth: Berkshire Hathaway
7. Mark Zuckerberg
Net Worth: $40.3 B
Source of wealth: Facebook
3. Larry Ellison
Net Worth: $47.5 B
Source of wealth:
8. Michael Bloomberg
Net Worth: $38.6 B
Source of wealth: Bloomberg LP
4. Jeff Bezos
Net Worth: $47 B
Source of wealth: Amazon.com
9. Jim Walton
Net Worth: $33.7 B
Source of wealth: Wal-Mart
5. Charles Koch
Net Worth: $41 B
Source of wealth: diversified
10. Larry Page
Net Worth: $33.3 B
Source of wealth: Google

How do you feel about that? Are you happy for them? A little jealous? Wish you had what they have? Are you feelings all over the place?

These men represent the 1-2% in the world. They are the ones at the top of the financial pyramid. Why is that?

Most of them do not have a college education yet they are billionaires! To some it doesn’t seem fair, but the reality is the wealthy have done what most people will not do to get what most people will never have.

[Tweet “the reality is the wealthy have done what most people will not do to get what most people will never have.”]

They had an idea they were not afraid to act on. They surrounded themselves with people smarter than they were. They took risks to get their product or service out to the world. They loved what they were doing. They ignored the people who said it couldn’t be done.

We all have the same ability to do what they have done, but fear holds us back. We make excuses for why we can’t do it. We feel we are not qualified because we do not have a degree or money or time. We can keep making excuses or we can get up and go after our dreams.

[Tweet “We can keep making excuses or we can get up and go after our dreams.”]

Right now I’m at a threshold in my life. I have the opportunity to start a six-figure management job, get benefits, and be in a better position financially. But you know what? I don’t want it because it means I will have to deal with stressful people and situations and I’m not about that kind of life.

My dream is to empower women who are ready to live stress free, create a life they absolutely love, and be in healthy relationships. Sitting at a desk for 40 hours a week and gaining weight is not my picture of an ideal life. I’ve done that for the last 10-15 years. I have the gray hair, weight gain, and premature menopause to show for it. I’d rather drive for Uber or Lyft (get your first Lyft ride free. Just enter MOMSONLINE946958) than be in another soul sucking job.

I’m living life on my terms and it feels fantastic! The sky is the limit for me so I’ll have to say no to the six-figure J.O.B. and yes to the life I’m creating for myself now.

What are you going to do with your life? What will you say “Yes” to and “No” to?

You may be saying, “I wish I had an opportunity to get a six-figure job!”. I get it. You are probably at that stage in your life where you want to upgrade your financial life. It would make life so much easier, especially as a single mom, right?

I get it and I want to help you get there. Check out my money workshop replays that will help you learn how to position yourself for a better financial story, deal with financial stress, and have financial breakthroughs. I will talk about my money story, how I went from $6.25 hr to six-figures, the truth about your money mindset, and the skills you need to get a better job or develop your career in the 21st Century.

You may not become a billionaire like the men on the top 10 list above, but you can become a financially savvy single mom with fewer money stressors.

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