unemplyment pink slip

Over the last nine months I have been out of corporate America. In other words I am technically unemployed. Despite that my bills are getting paid and I’m learning what it means to be humble and wait for God to show me the right path to take.

I can blame everything on the recession but it would be pointless. It really wouldn’t change the circumstances of my life. I have good days and more challenging ones.

The great thing about unemployment is the time I’ve been able to spend with my kids. It’s been priceless being a stay at home/ work at home/homeschool mom. My children seem to like it too. My son is thriving and my daughter is too. She got straight A’s, is well liked, is a leader, and is involved in activities outside of school designed to build her sense of worth up.

This could have been a terrible time for me, but I’ve had the opportunity to stretch my faith, discover more of myself, and define my purpose.

I’m sure that I want to continue helping women realize their value, embrace their freedom, and attract love and wealth. I’ll be sharing more with you soon because I’m excited about the programs I’m about to bring you, so watch for them.

This journey has been a good learning experience for me. There is plenty more to learn though which means I’ll always be a student of life…