Every woman dreams of the perfect life. Very few actually create a plan to have it go. Most would agree there is no perfect life and use that as an excuse to stay in the same place. Their circumstances is the conference for the life so which ever way the needle point is to wave your life will turn.

This is a very dangerous way to live. Why? Because at the end of that life, you see more regrets and missed opportunities and success. Woulda, coulda, shoulda, is refrain most likely heard on death beds.

You can’t control everything that happens in your life, but that’s no excuse to attempt nothing. It’s better to have a general idea about where you want to be in the next five, 10, 25 years than no plan.

One of my mantras is “never allow circumstances to control my life”. I’ve decided make my own circumstances. I’d say that 85 to 90% of the time, this is worked out much better than going with the flow and seeing what the day brings.

I’m not always as focused as I like to be in my plans aren’t mapped out to the smallest detail, but I have my feet firmly planted on the path I’d like to walk toward the place of a richer more fulfilling life.

So I believe it is okay to be controlling when it comes to your own life. Each day we can make the choice to be fully alive, fully present, and fully capable of creating the life we want. Now the rest of the world and the people around us are not controllable and we should never try to control them. But we can control how much we love and accept them and pray they do the same for us.