Love and Lead

Parent from a principle of love and desire for the well-being of your kids, then lead them down a clear path of positive adulthood.

This point goes back to how you feel about yourself, your level of self-esteem, and ultimately loving yourself. When these three things are in place you are better able to love your children and lead them effectively.

Too many parents are trying to be their kid’s friend and be the “cool”parent. They are afraid they will lose their child’s love.

This is in part because they do not love themselves already and they are looking outside of themselves for it through their children.

This is backwards behavior and it does not end well.

Your children are supposed to receive love from you and depend on you for support.

When you are in a good place you can give them the love and support they need. You can make them feel secure and happy in life.

With your love behind them, they can do anything they want to do.

They are happier and feel safe enough to take risks and try new things.

When you are in a good place you are able to lead them to the best resources.

You are able to lead them to new ideas, new experiences, and new relationships.

They trust you and depend on you to help them through that tough homework assignment, those music lessons, choosing good friends, and hundreds of decisions they will have to make as they grow up.

When you are a confident leader they are more likely to become confident leaders in their circle of influence.

In part four I will show you how to raise pretty cool kids by letting go of guilt.