Change your thinking about money. For many people, especially single moms, money has many negative connotations.

You don’t have it, there is not enough of it, and you don’t know where the next batch is coming from. We have a tendency to think that it is out of reach all of the time and we struggle with it.

The truth about money is that it is simply a tool to get the things we need and want. Of course not having it and thinking about your lack will not make it come to you any faster.

When you change your thinking about money, see its true purpose, and realize it’s abundance you will have more of it. Whenever I have to pay a bill, write a check, or spend money I keep in mind that there is more where that came from. I will have more, not because I am doing anything special but because I just know that it will come again.

Sometimes we get so caught up in holding on to it with such tight fists that we fail to realize that a closed hand cannot receive more.