What does that really mean? Does it mean we do not need anyone else? Does it mean we are super women who can take on the world alone with children and the kitchen sink in tow?

Self-sufficiency simply means we are capable of taking care of ourselves in an adequate and meaningful way. It means we can stand on our own two feet and use the resources within to meet the basic needs we have.

However, we still need to ask for help and support from others. We still need to gracefully accept offers of help from family, friends, community agencies, and co-workers.

Self-sufficiency does not mean independence or a “woman-as-an-island” mentality. Is that really the message you want to send your daughters so she can sabotage all her future relationships? Do you want your son to grow up thinking all women are super women and he’s not good for much of anything?

Acknowledging the need for human interaction and assistance is a valid part of being self-sufficient and beautifully whole through this journey of single motherhood.