Facing Father’s Day without a Dad

Facing Father’s Day without a Dad

By Tiffany Papageorge, author of My Yellow Balloon

If you’ve ever had the experience of being involved in a Father’s Day-themed activity, craft, or discussion as someone without a father, you know that it can bring up big, painful feelings. In fact, the whole holiday can bring up very difficult feelings for those who don’t have the traditional father-child experience.

Whatever your relationship was or is with your father, whether they are alive and not present or they have died, there is a very real hole in our hearts where they used to be. I want you to know that there are many, many others just like you with a hole in their own hearts for their own fathers.

I also want you to know and to understand that the feelings you feel may be big and scary but they are also important and necessary. I know that sometimes it may feel easier to stuff them deep down inside of ourselves in order not to feel them. This is called emotional bypassing, where we bypass our emotions to feel something more pleasant. Emotional bypassing won’t work in the end. It might seem to at first, but in the end your true emotions are still living inside of you and, if not acknowledged, can come raging out of you at inappropriate moments and in inappropriate ways. Deep hurt can disguise itself as anger and become more confusing than if you let it out when it was deep hurt. Our emotions can make us sick if they are stuck inside of us for years. Now is the time to face them head on.

Here are a few tips for recognizing and releasing your feelings:

· Invest in a notebook or a journal and write, draw, or color your feelings out. This can be a great release for all of the emotions we feel at Father’s Day and any other time.
· Find someone who you feel very safe with and comfortable talking to. It could be could be a parent, but it could also be an aunt, uncle, grandparent, teacher, priest, rabbi, pastor, or counselor. This person will be your safe place to go when you need to explore your feelings.
· Don’t be embarrassed! Remember, feelings aren’t good or bad – they just are. Don’t be afraid of them. Like physical pain, emotional pain is part of a wound that needs to heal.
· Ride the waves. Know that pain and grief often happens in waves. One day, you may be feeling much stronger, only to feel very sad again the next day. Our feelings ebb and flow. It’s all part of the healing process.
· Create a new tradition. On Father’s Day, while others are celebrating, create a new ritual or tradition to honor your feelings. My personal example is below.

When I didn’t have my father on Father’s Day, I would write him a letter. I put all of my thoughts and feelings into this letter: the good, the bad, the beautiful, and the ugly. Then I decorated the letter with drawings. I would read the letter through a couple of times out loud, giving myself the opportunity to deeply feel my feelings. Often, I would cry. Then I would rip my letter into tiny pieces and put them carefully in a bowl. I would take the bowl outside and plant the shreds in the comfort of the cool, rich, dark soil. On top of them, I sprinkled flower seeds. I lovingly covered my mixture and said a prayer for my dad, for my broken heart, and for my flower seeds. I would water those flowers every day, and as the flowers grew I knew that my feelings for my father were a part of what was feeding those flowers just as much as the water and sun.

All of our experiences and the feelings associated with those experiences, good and bad, become a part of our own soil and the roots of our life. All of our experiences are ours alone and they are a part of the seeds that help us grow into the flower that we will become.

Yes, Father’s Day is almost here; but just because the stores and commercials say Father’s Day is something specific doesn’t mean that we all have to buy into it. Feel free and empowered to make your own rituals and traditions. Add to them and change them when it feels right to you. This year and for years to come, make Father’s Day something that you look forward to in your own special way.

Tiffany PapageorgeTiffany Papageorge is an author, speaker and works with parents, teachers and mental health professionals whose mission is to find new ways to reach, capture and engage children who are dealing with the issue of loss. The multi-award-winning My Yellow Balloon is her first picture book and was recently featured on the cover of Foreword Reviews. Learn more at www.myyellowballoon.com.

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[Video] How to Reinvent Your Life as a Single Mom

[Video] How to Reinvent Your Life as a Single Mom

The survival mentality set in for a while in my life. But it got boring and I needed a change. My life is constantly in reinvention mode because that is how I grow and thrive.

How are you thriving? What changes are you making? The year is half over so it’s a great time to reevaluate what you’ve done so far this year and what you plan to do.

If you are clueless about how to reinvent your life keep reading past the video below. These steps will get you on the path to a new way of thinking which will lead to a new way of life.

How to Reinvent Your Life in 6.5 Steps

  1. Look at where you’ve been
  2. Look at where you are
  3. Look at where you want to go
  4. Chart a Your New Course
  5. Say Adios to Old Thinking (and People)
  6. Create New Habits

6.5  Rinse and Repeat

Read the step-by-step details of How to Reinvent Your LIfe in 6.5 Steps

Vacation, Driftwood, and Seaweed

Vacation, Driftwood, and Seaweed

Last week I went on Spring Break vacation with my kids to the Georgia Coast. You may have seen the pictures and posts I’ve put on RichSingleMomma.com. The trip was both educational and relaxing. I splurged on the hotel rooms this time around because there is just nothing like a great night sleep in luxury hotel. Of course I asked for and got a reasonable discount that made it affordable for me.

The beach was great and the lighthouses we saw were amazing.



Have you ever been to a beach and it was covered in seaweed and driftwood? It’s hard to enjoy when you are trying to step over and around it, right? Fortunately we didn’t see any seaweed or driftwood along the beach line. In the past I’ve seen to much of it which didn’t make a very pleasant experience.

Seaweed and Driftwood Experiences
That brings me to a point I want to share with you about what I call seaweed and driftwood relationships. In my life (and I’m sure in yours) I want love and quality relationships, but sometimes I get distracted by people and situations that distract me from my true desire. A good looking guy, an interesting opportunity, or a situation that seems okay at the moment takes my attention away from the things I really want.

Waiting for Paradise
I lose sight of the “paradise” or that “pristine beach experience” I really want because I’m distracted by all the driftwood and seaweed around me. So instead of getting the great quality man, the perfect opportunity, or an amazing situation, I miss it because I’m so focused on the driftwood and seaweed. My energy is consumed by the trivial, which costs me the valuable experience I desire and deserve.

Recognizing the Difference and Waiting for the Best
I’m learning to recognize the driftwood and seaweed (D & S) much better. When an ex calls or texts out of the blue thats D & S. When a guy that is clearly wrong for me but terribly good looking flirts with me that is D & S. When I see a new way to make money that distracts me from my current goals, that is D & S. Basically anything that takes me off course or disturbs my peace is D & S. I deserve better. You deserve better. So let the D & S drift on by as you keep you eyes on the prize.

How to Cope With it All as a Working Single Mom?

How to Cope With it All as a Working Single Mom?

Busy Single Mom SolutionsMy first word of advice is to stop trying to do it all. Yes it’s easier said than done so here is a more realistic piece of advice.


Maybe that’s not realistic either so here is my final word on how to cope it all as a working single mom.

Let it go.

Delegate Everything to Give Others a Chance to Help You Cope

That’s what I do. I delegate tasks to my kids, my friends, my family, or anyone who I feel can and is willing to help or I simply let it go. The world will not end and I won’t get labeled the worst mom in the world if I don’t do it all.

My kids are older now so I can delegate the task of cleaning their room, the living room, the kitchen, the car; ok basically the entire house. When they were younger I felt like a terrible mom if I didn’t do everything and the house wasn’t spic and span.

I felt guilty and depressed because my house often looked like a hurricane hit it. But I was working and going to school full-time; trying to study and take care of my small children. My mom made me feel guilty whenever she visited and I did my best to try to please her and meet her standard.

Let It go to Save your Sanity

Finally, I let it go and let myself off the hook. I gave up trying to be super mom. I let the dishes and vacuuming go until I had the time (and energy) to do it.

If I had the money at the time I would have hired someone to come in and clean for me. These days if you can catch a good Living Social or Groupon deal, you might find a cleaning service for $25. I say treat yourself to it and relax your mind.

Be Selfish with Your Time and Limit Kid Activities

Another way to cope with it all is to forget about putting your kid in every sports, dance, or art activity. Those things will eat up your time. Decide if you want them in an activity and if so choose one thing per child and alternate seasons. If you have two children choose on activity and rotate every three months or so. This way you only have to get one child to one activity after school or on the weekend. You don’t get overwhelmed and you free up time to re-energize in the evenings and on the weekend.

A Single Mom Sanity Saver Case Study

A single mom friend of mine is in school, working, active in church, taking care of four kids and was burning out. She felt guilty that she wasn’t spending time with the kids and couldn’t help them with homework and get her homework done.

Homework Help Solutions

I encouraged her to do her homework with the kids so she could be available to help them. She would be setting a good example for them by diligently doing her homework. It was also a way to spend time with them too.

To Cook or Not to Cook

I advised her to stop trying to cook full meals each night. It is okay to have quick meals of breakfast for dinner, burgers or hotdogs with chips, or a bowl of cereal occasionally.

Getting a Nap to Energize Your Life

To get extra sleep, I encouraged her to nap on the sofa while the kids watched a movie a couple days a week. She could let them know in advance that she might fall asleep while watching the movie because she needed a little extra rest. This teaches kids respect and compassion as well as how to take care of their bodies. She would be present for the kids while taking care of herself.

Being responsible for doing it all is challenging and even overwhelming. But managing your life by adopting new ways of thinking and doing things can tame your runaway life.

Single Mom Support Call

Single Mom Support Call

Ask RichSingleMommaLast week there were about ten single moms on a the Ask RichSingle Momma Anything single mom support call. I had a great time talking with all of them and answering their questions.

The thing about being a single mom is there is this sense of isolation and feeling that no one understands. I’ve had many days like this where if I could just talk to someone who understood I would feel so much better. That is why I am doing these calls. We need someone to talk to about the challenges we face everyday.

The call focused mostly on financial issues but it also covered how to get through life successfully. You can check out the RichSingleMomma Facebook Page to find out everything we talked about.

Here is a video clip I did early this week about the call.

Join us this Sunday and every Sunday for the Single Mom Support call at 9pm (EST). Here is the call-in information:

Dial-in – (218) 339-2500
Enter Access Code – 1032131#

If you are unable to join the call a recording will be available later.

Reality Check Friday – No I’m Not the Maid! I’m Your Mother!

Reality Check Friday – No I’m Not the Maid! I’m Your Mother!

Maid Maid Buy This at Allposters.com


I’m trying out a new segment. It’s all about keeping it real for myself and for my readers.

The reality is, I am not a maid. I don’t want to be a maid. I was not created to wait on anyone, much less my children, hand and foot.

You are a Mother, Life Coach, and Motivator…not a Maid

I believe I am here to be a life coach for my kids.

  • I coach them about the realities (and beauty) in life.
  • I teach them how to live and survive on their own.

Part of that means they have to learn how to clean up after themselves, learn how to cook, do their own laundry, learn how to shop, choose their own clothes, etc.

Stop Feeling Guilty and Trying to Do it All

I see too many moms, especially single moms feeling guilty because they don’t have the energy to do everything for their families and be perfect.

A long time ago I felt the same way and it nearly drove me crazy. But I had a reality check and adopted the mindset that I was not the maid, but I am the

  • CEO
  • Household Manager
  • Queen of my home

Be the CEO and Delegate, Delegate, Delegate

I learned to delegate age-appropriate tasks to the kids and do the things they couldn’t possibly do like cook at least three meals a week (nope, I don’t cook everyday) and drive to places we wanted to go.

Because I didn’t shoo my kids away when I cooked they learned how to prepare simple meals for themselves or the family. Years ago this is how kids learned, side-by-side with their parents. It’s how I learned.

The Benefits of Being the Queen Bee and Training Them Well

Now my kids cook and serve me meals to give me a break sometimes. I love it when my son asks me if I want something to eat or drink and he brings me a plate or cool glass of juice. He loves doing it for me and I praise him in return. He will make some woman very happy one day.

So take a page from my book of reality ladies. Stop killing yourself by slaving away from morning to night. Trash the maid mentality and assume the Household Manager mindset. The kids are your household helpers and will be thankful that you taught them how to survive and thrive once they leave your nest.

Now go sit down somewhere and have a great weekend!