Is Single Motherhood Too Glorified?

Everyday I read about celebrity women deciding to become single moms for one reason or another. I find this disturbing for a number of reasons, the number one of which is the message is sends to the girls and young women who look up to them.

Another reason is, while they proudly flaunt their new status, they will likely never feel the pressure and stress of being a true single mom. They’ll have assistants and nannies to help them take care of the child. They’ll have their money to provide for the child and likely the father will be involved in some way if for no other reason than to claim some of the limelight. Their lifestyle is not threatened by the addition of a child and they will likely not feel the negative effects of their decision like “normal” people.

Different Struggles

The famous people like Halle Berry to the infamous Nadya Suleman do not necessarily have the same struggles as me or the other single moms I encounter each day. There are three ladies at my job who, like me, have to make tough decisions about healthcare, after school care, stretching the money, and dealing with an absent father. There is no one to get up at night and take care of a sick child but us. No assistant. No nanny.

Doing it All vs. Having it All Done for You

The average single mom has to do all the shopping, cooking, cleaning, tutoring, and chauffeuring, on top of working 8-10 hours a day, and keeping it together on the surface. In truth, single motherhood is hard on the body, mind, and spirit. Depression may always be underneath the surface. Recent studies show that single moms are 40% more likely to suffer from depression than married moms. The reasons for depression vary so there is no one size fits all treatment for every single mom.

Depression Trap

Depression can lead to suicidal thoughts and gradual withdrawal from society and their children. Some studies show that children of single moms are at greater risk for being abused. There are some days when I am just at the end of my rope. I can’t take hearing my name called one more time and if I do I just want to scream. So I go to the bathroom, lock the door, and just let the sobs and tears flow. This scenario is not necessarily the norm but it does happen more than I or other single moms would like. Celebrity single moms can just hand them over to the nanny and escape to a spa for a few hours.

Isolation vs. An Entourage

Isolation is a big issue for me and other single moms. The feeling of loneliness is pervasive and there seems to be no escape. The cycle of caretaking seems endless and day by day our emotional cups get drained with no hope in sight of being re-filled. I don’t expect my kids to take care of my emotional or physical needs but that doesn’t diminish the need to be filled. That is why taking a time out is so important and so is finding a way to get pampered. We may have to trade childcare, use coupons to get pampered, or save up to pay a sitter for a couple of hours while we escape to the movies or something. These resources are readily available to celebrity single moms and they likely have people around most of the time to interact with, which eases the feelings of loneliness

With all these things to contend with on a daily basis the average single mother would hardly glorify their status. Being a single mom is the hardest job on the planet and no matter how you or I came to be single moms, at the end of the day we get to do it all and can look forward to doing it again tomorrow. Hopefully our children, especially, our daughters will benefit from different circumstances, but for today let’s just love them in our current reality.

Make Money With Your Car?

adwrapcarI came across an article this morning on Yahoo! news about how to make up to $900 with your car. You know I am always looking for opportunities to make an extra buck or two so I decided to see what it was all about.

Turns out that I’d heard about this opportunity some years ago when it began. Here’s the deal; you are basically allowing a company to use your car for advertising for up to six months and they pay you for the use of your car. How do they “use” your car? They put a full or partial removable vinyl wrap on the car. You drive around like  you normally do and they send a check.

The car may be equipped with a GPS system so the company can track the amount of time that is actually spent driving. They also want to make sure that you are driving in the target area sufficiently too. Target areas are usually high traffic populations more than likely in urban areas.

I think I would be a good candidate for this program but I’d have to look into a bit further. Here are two websites to visit for more information:

Driven Media

Other Ways to Make Money with Your Car

I think there are other ways to make money with your car. The  most popular ways are pizza delivery, newspaper delivery, and errand services.

What other ways can you think of?