How to start a t-shirt businessIn the Rich Single Momma community someone asked the following question about how to create t-shirts.

“If anyone else on this thread is currently creating quality t-shirts, I would welcome advice and directions… “

This is how I answered her question and took it a step further:

“Making a design can be as simple as using a desktop publishing program like Microsoft Publisher or some other simple program. After you complete it and are satisfied use iron-on paper to make samples. For something more professional, learn how to do screen printing. There are many resources online but it takes time to find it all. I’ll take a look and see what else I can find for you. “

To make t-shirts it is as simple creating an account at or and uploading your design into the system. From there you can get your t-shirts professionally printed and sell them. You can also direct people to your page on these websites to buy within that system.

There are all kinds of ways to make a little extra cash. Whether you want to do funny t-shirts designs and sell them, take your grandma’s secret barbecue sauce recipe and sell it, make Xmas ornaments, or film posters there are a million and one ways to be profitable and do what you love.

I wrote 100 Secrets of Successful Single Motherhood because I wanted to raise money to send my kids to a certain school. I took what I learned during my early years as a single mom and put it in a little book. Most of the people who have read the book love it and tell other people about it. Recently I sold a bulk of 50 to the local YWCA.

The first run of the book was produced through CafePress and later I published through another source. Cafepress is also the company I used to create t-shirts and other printed items for my Single Moms Rock! website.

It’s all about being creative and determined to reach your goals. Sometimes things work out and sometimes they don’t. The point is to keep moving forward and keep trying until you find the thing that works for you. I know you can do it!

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