Side Hustle Series: Profit from Your Green Thumb

Some people are born with a green thumb and others have to cultivate it. Then there are others who simply aren’t interested in digging in the dirt. If you happen to belong to the first group you can use your talents to provide a service for the later group.

When I was girl my parents had a garden. To this day I still enjoy gardening and seeing vegetables grow. I am not very good with houseplants though so artificial plants are best for me.

Here are a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing: (more…)

7 Steps to Economic Empowerment: It Begins Between the Ears

The goal of Rich Single Momma is to empower single moms to live a balanced life starting with their money. Because money is usually on the top of the list of concerns this is naturally the best topic to cover during the first part of this New Year. But is it really about the money or something more?

The way I see it, it is about empowerment. For many the relationship with money is a love/hate relationship. We need it all the time, love it when we have it, and hate it when it’s out of our reach. To be empowered when it comes to money is to change our thoughts about it and come to an understanding that will benefit you. Here are seven tips for economic empowerment and a better relationship with money: (more…)

Single Mom Side Hustle Series: Cater to Kids

Single moms are pretty much experts when it comes to kids. From birth, tots, tweens and teens, single moms experience every phase of parenting these little people. To make money from your expertise cater to kids or other parents. Child care is always in demand so if you have extra space and time consider being a baby sitter, offer after-school care, or weekend care.

Here are 10 ways to ways to make capitalize on your talents and love for kids: (more…)

Side Hustle Series: Be An Instructor

Courtesy Stockxchng

Courtesy Stockxchng

It is already the middle of the month and I haven’t posted a Side Hustle yet! Shame on me! Well I am going to correct that by giving you a new installment in the Side Hustle Series. It is simply teaching others what you are an expert at; teach whatever you know.

Your trade, profession, cooking skills, a second language, woodworking, chess, photography, knitting, karate, bridge, auto repair, etc are all valuable skills to have. People will pay good money for lessons in these useful and enjoyable skills. (more…)

What Are You Expecting from Life?

This morning I read on one of many weekly newsletters from a fellow writer. As with most newsletters this first few days of the new year the topic was about goals. The thing that stood out the most to me is that we get what we expect. If we expect bad things to happen, money to run out, things to be hard, then guess what? Bad things will happen, your money will run out and things will be hard.

That’s not to say that life will always be a bed of roses. But if disappointments happen they won’t be devastating because so many other good things are occurring. It’s all about how we view and think about things. (more…)