This morning my email thought for today was important enough for me to share with you because it says everything I’ve believed about handling mistakes, second chances, and starting over.

It’s easy to stay stuck and wallow in self-pity, but that will never get you to the dreams you have for your life. Consider these words and how you will implement it into your life:

Though it may not seem so when you first encounter a serious blow, you can never lose two of the most important assets you have. These are the power of your mind and your freedom to use it. Once you have turned them to understanding what laid you low, you can begin forming new plans. You may not have the money you once had; you may lack the allies you had cultivated. But you still have the benefit of a universe that eventually rewards honest effort, as well as gaining the experience of mistakes you will never make again. Remember, no matter where you are now, whatever you can conceive and believe, you can achieve. Protect the most important thing you have. ~NHF

Take a moment to be thankful (after all this is the season) for just being alive and being able to start over. It really is your choice.

Over the last 2-3 weeks I’ve taken the opportunity to start over in a few areas of my life (you don’t have to do a complete overhaul). I had to let go of old things and make room for new opportunities. I had to surrender the little box of broken trinkets in exchange for a sky full of blessings!

If I had held on to those limiting little things I would never have received the big blessings that have come my way. Granted these things didn’t just fall into my lap (though it feels like they did), but I had to prepare my heart and mind (as well as release the things that weren’t working any more).

I gave myself permission to release and accept more. I prepared my heart to receive it and it came to pass. I trusted God to make the way possible through His divine will.

Whether you believe in God or not, know He is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above anything we can ever ask or think. He took the mess in my life and turned it into the most fragrant flowers of blessings.

It hasn’t been a smooth ride all the way because I have resisted Him and wanted to retain control over everything. But when I let go and allowed Him to orchestrate my life, the most beautiful things have happened.

Making the decision (I talk about that a lot) to let go of my past, my hurts, my pain and taking the opportunity to start over has resulted in a life far beyond I could have ever imagined.

I don’t believe in asking God for things as much as I ask Him for wisdom. Wisdom and the ability to take action is an very important part of creating the life you want and the life God wants to give you.

So today you can make the decision to start over and ask for wisdom to know how to do it. I hope you do because it would be great to know you are finally living the life you’ve always dreamed about.

What do you think? Are you ready to start over? Are you willing to ask for the wisdom to make the first step?