Business Idea – Mini Massage Service

On my other blog I talked about simple self-indulgence in general and quick and easy foot pampering specifically. This morning I indulged myself with a foot massage and thought about how cool it would be to have someone come to my office and give me one. I’ve purchased those water foot massaging machines but they are not as effective as a real person. So an idea popped into my head that I’d like to share with you. Why not offer foot massages as a side business and charge $10-20.

Now some people have problems with handling feet so this is not an idea that’s for everyone. The good thing about this service is that you can do it in your spare time, in the evening and on the weekend. If you are not sure that there is enough demand consider placing a small ad on Craigslist and see if you can make $100 from it. If you can, then you might have a winner.

All you can do is try and all that’s required is lotion/oil and your hands. Be sure to let your clients know that you are not a professional massage therapist and that they are hiring you at their own risk (have them sign a disclaimer). A small amount of people care but the vast majority won’t because they are getting a need met. So go forth and get your foot massage service started. You really have nothing to lose.

Rich Single Momma

Self-indulgence is Good Self-Care for Single Moms

Too many time we as single moms forget to do a little self-indulgence. We think it’s too expensive or there isn’t enough time considering all the tasks we have to do. Well let me tell you, it doesn’t have to be expensive or time consuming to show yourself a little love. The good thing is you can do it right now. Here is a quick tip that will make you feel like  you are walking on air.

Quick and Easy Foot Massage

For this how-to all you will need is lotion and your hands. It’s best done in the morning or evening or both. Take your favorite lotion (I prefer my lavendar fragrance lotion because it relaxes me) and rub it on your clean feet. Now take one foot and rub the bottom in circular motion with your thumbs. You can do a combination of massage strokes to get the blood circulating. It only takes a minute to complete one foot so now you are ready to switch to the other foot. Repeat the same process and in two minutes you are done.

Your feet should feel relaxed and refreshed by now and notice that it didn’t take an extra amount of time or money to get it done. Please take the time to indulge yourself on a regular basis. Your outlook will be much better because you are loving and valuing  yourself. Look for other self-indugence tips in future posts.

You Rock!

Rockin’ Single Mom Sam

Riches and the Giving Cycle

With riches comes responsibility. Responsibility to God, the Source of all riches, to myself, and to my children. I also have a responsibility to show thanks by giving back in some way, because the more I give the more I get; the cycle can continue endlessly and I never get poor again. Which brings me to another thought. The more you give the more you get, so doesn’t it make sense to give. If you are poor in finances try giving something away, preferably some of the little money you do have. Do it as a show of gratitude when you do have a little money and trust that you will get more. If you are poor in friends try being a friend. Give away a smile or helping hand to someone else. Trust me, it will come back to you.

The principle of giving can be applied to all areas of life. If you are feeling particularly poor in a certain area of your life just give something away and watch it come back to you. You may not see instant result, but you will see them eventually. I remember when my daughter was smaller but began growing out of her clothes, her crib, and toys. I began giving them away to people who needed them and pretty soon I noticed more blessings coming my way. I got a better job, a better place to live, and a better car. I didn’t look for those things, but they just happened (not really) to come my way. I was making room for more by letting go of what I had. It wasn’t out of desperation or guilt, but out of pure love. It felt good to give and I had no expectation of return because I was grateful for the chance to have it then give it away. That is how giving and gratitude works in wealth-building.

Rich Single Momma

How to Handle Back to School Stress

How to Handle Back to School Stress

Here in Georgia, the kids are going back to school. My own kids started a brand new school because we just relocated so I had to go through the back to school stress of registration which wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Coming from another state requires immunization updates, affidavits of residency (notarized no less), and health screenings. I personally hate paperwork and anything that has to do with taking my kids to a doctor or dentist. I know what’s going to happen and let me tell you, it ain’t pretty. My kids, yes both of them, get all worked up over the thought of seeing a doctor. Ironically my daughter loves the dentist and has been begging me to find a new one. That’s on my to-do list, but I feel myself heading off on a tangent so let me get back on topic.

So I call the health department to find out what I need to do to get the kiddies in for their health screenings and to transfer the shot records. They operate on a first come, first serve basis most of the time and the screening is $12 and shots (if they need them and I’m praying they don’t, but I should know right?) are some minimum cost. I am pleased because this visit won’t break my budget. I do, however, procrastinate with requesting a day off to take care of everything. I want to get the health stuff and school registration done all in one day.

As usual, my procrastination bit me in the rear. I get to the health department and it’s filled to capacity and there is a 3-hour wait! You’ve got to be kidding me! But I elect to wait because I’ve dedicated the entire day just in case something like this happens. The kids are restless and there are crying babies, a lot of Spanish being spoken, and no food is allowed. Fortunately, I stopped and got the kids and myself breakfast before we came, otherwise we would have been in deep poo because we couldn’t leave once we signed in. The kids entertained themselves by writing, arguing, and going back and forth to the car while I stayed inside.

Finally, we got called to be processed in. the kind nurse determined that the kids did need a couple of shots and the drama started. They begged and bargained with me to not get shots but they had to have them to be updated. When we finally got into the back we were met by a kind, albeit very large lady. I was shocked at how large she was and wondered how she could be in the healthcare field. Barring that she was very nice and comforting for the kiddies. She would be the one to do the examination and give the shots.

The health screen was done very quickly and they passed with flying colors. Next on the agenda were the shots. My son, the younger of the two had calmed himself between finding out he would have shots and now. He was also boisterously proclaiming that he was not scared and was going to take his shot like a man. HA! When he saw the needle it was an entirely different story. He went back to the bargaining, begging, and now shouting and screaming. He didn’t want a shot and tried to convince us that his sister should go first. I had no problem with him crying and I actually encouraged it so they could acknowledge the pain, but fighting me and the large lady was out of the question.

He was I my lap so I had to hold him and threatened to restrain him. Finally, he got stuck in the arm. He let out a yelp, fully expecting it to hurt a lot more, but he was surprised that it was over that quickly and almost painless. He got off my lap and started laughing. He’s such a silly kid. Then he started teasing his big sister and calling her a baby because she was still scared.  I thought his experience would make her feel better and calm her but she cried like a baby. Poor thing can’t take much pain at all, not even a needle prick. With the health screening and shots all done as well as the proper paperwork in hand, we were on our way to get registered for school.

Since they are going to two different schools on opposite sides of town I tried to plan my route the best way I could. I didn’t work. I still ended up driving all over the place. Fortunately, the registration process was quick and painless. The dreaded affidavit that required a notarized signature was done right in the office, yeah! The ladies who helped me at both schools were very helpful and kind. I don’t think I could have dealt with a rude person very well after the morning at the health department.

The next stop on the back to school tour was back to school shopping. This event was timed perfectly with the Grand Opening of a new Target store so the prices were great. I was able to get all the school supplies at a reasonable price, plus extras for later in the semester. Clothes shopping would have to wait until I got paid again but the kids were content because they had new backpacks and school stuff. I’ve learned a valuable lesson about buying school clothes; don’t spend an insane amount of money for them, especially for my son. So I head on over to the local thrift store and search for jeans. Most of the time, the jeans are in very good condition and barely worn. I got two pairs for my son and three pairs for my daughter. The next stop was Walmart for shirts at $3.50-$5.00 each, so I spent less than $60 on clothes. They’ll look great for the first few weeks of school and I’ll go back to the thrift store for more jeans as they outgrow and wear out the ones they already have.

Both schools have an open house that we attend to meet the teachers and tour the school. It is scheduled between 4-6pm so I have to go after work. I was not prepared for the massive amounts of people there as most parents are like me and arriving after work. It is confusing and loud at the entrance and instructions have to practically be shouted in my ear. We are rushed through each station after we find the classrooms and teachers. There is more paperwork and instructions to work through but we make it.

The final stop is the cafeteria to make sure the kiddies have accounts for their meals. I shell out money for both of them and spend in excess of $80 on lunch accounts, P.E. uniforms, and lockers before school even starts, sheesh!

The day before school starts I spend the day shampooing and styling my daughter’s thick head of hair. My son gets his hair cut and we lay out clothes, shoes, socks, and backpacks. They are both nervous and excited and to be honest, so am I. The next day we get up, get showered, dressed, and fed then head out the door.

My daughter is catching the bus so I wait a bit for the bus to come but I have to leave before it gets there. I learned later that it was late; hopefully, it’s not a sign of things to come. I take my son to school and meet a barrage of cars and proud parents dragging their kids behind them to get into the school. It is not the most organized processional but we make it into the school and to his class without being trampled.

His teacher is smiling and waiting for all her new students to come in and she lovingly excuses a wayward parent who confesses she couldn’t find an item on the supply list. I feel good when I leave the classroom and head down the crowded halls once again to get back to my car and off to work.

I think about the kids all day and wonder how things are going; wondering if my daughter got to school or if she got lost. I wondered if my son was listening and following directions and I tracked his day with the schedule I printed off from his teacher’s website. Finally, my daughter called to tell me that she got home. I am relieved and she is hungry so she hangs up in a hurry to get something to eat and decompress with a TV show.

After work, I pick up my son and he is happy to see me and tell me about his day. He’s hungry too so I get home and start dinner. By then all my energy is gone. I’m sure it’s mostly because these last two weeks have been spent preparing for back-to-school. Finally, the kids are settled and I am dog tired. I can hardly keep my eyes open so I lay on my bed to “rest” a while. That rest turned into full-on sleep.

My son wanted me to help him with a worksheet but I could barely keep my eyes open much less talk. We managed to get it done and get them ready for bed. Not long after they went to bed I went to bed too, thinking how exhausting back to school is.

Empowerment is Yours!

Rockin’ Single Mom Sam

The Road to Riches Requires Determination

Getting what you want takes perseverance and determination and that goes doubly for single moms who desire a better life. I work a 9-5 job but I know that in order to make it as a freelancer I have to put in extra hours to reach my goal. I don’t always like staying up late or getting up before the sun to get things done but I know that is what I have to do to be successful.

No one said that getting rich would be easy. It take can take long hours, lots of brain power, and a few setbacks to get it right. My motto is “slow and steady wins the race”. It is not about getting rich quick, because those riches can be lost just as quickly. Think of all the lottery winners that are now bankrupt. I am not knocking how they got rich but it seems they weren’t prepared for the windfall. Slow and steady riches allow for systematic savings, investing, and sustained wealth. Without a plan the money could be gone in a blink of an eye. I think about all the tax refund checks I got that have vanished into thin air. Had I put it in an interest bearing account or invested it I would probably see a lot more of it. Now, with the education I am receiving about money, I know to put it away and delay gratification for things. If the things I want are that important I will plan for them and make educated purchases.

The road to wealth and abundance is not the easiest road to take, but with a plan and determination your will reach your goals

Rich Single Momma