How to Use PrePaid Debit Cards to Control Your Expenses

Use Prepaid Debit Card Control Expenses

How many times have you run out of money at the end of the month? How many times have you had a check bounce? How about the last time you swiped your card and it was denied?

That is pretty embarrassing. I lived like that for a while and it was not fun. Granted, more people than we know probably have this problem every now and then. Let’s face it, money is short for many people.

One of the ways to get around this issue of running out of money is to use a pre-paid debit card. Why? (more…)

Is this a Good Time to Playing the Stock Market?

Everyone is talking about the ecomomy and how bad things are. Politicians and big business men are playing ping-pong with our emotions and wallets.

Everywhere I turn I hear about the 1% versus the 99%. Occupy Wall Street and various other offshoot “Occupy” groups are springing up all over the country.

With all this noise I wonder if it’s a good time to play the stock market. So many people are distracted because of the news coverag and naysayers. Is this a good time to be playing the stock market?

The reality is, business goes on and as usual. The stock market is still moving forward. People are still buying goods and services and companies are still making money.

Even in a recession we still need food, clothing, gas, shelter, and numerous other things. As  idealistic as it is to want to boycott, sit down, and/or be an activist life still goes on. We can complain about what happening or we can do something about it.

I think there are opportunities in the stock market, but it requires education and innovative thought. For me I have to get input from an experienced person that I can trust. There are many online brokerage services and products like Scottrade that offer quick and inexpensive options to jump into the market.

For me, I need a bit more hand holding and guidance. A while ago I spoke to an investment adviser that seemed on the up and up. He seemed genuinely interested in helping me set up accounts, transfer my retirement fund, and start making money to fund my dreams.

Thankfully I have a little nest egg to turn over which will make getting started much simpler and less stressful. I won’t have to figure out how to get the money to put into the market and beginning playing with the big boys.

Someday soon, I’ll be sitting pretty with a diverse portfolio of my favorite companies. In the meantime, I’m back to the grindstone to make a dollar out of 15 cents like everyone else. 🙂