How to Reach Your Financial Goals: Write Them Down

How to Reach Your Financial Goals: Write Them Down

Goals are an important part of life. It helps keep us on a path of success, and it helps us realize what is most important to us. When it comes to finances, having goals are key to keeping it in check and balance. A good way to do this is to write about your financial goals. Following these steps below will ensure that you reach your financial goals.

The first step is to write down your financial goals. It is the ideal way to watch them become reality.

The second step is to make your goals specific. It may be about your salary, debt, saving, anything. The next step is to keep your list of goals somewhere visible so that you can be reminded of your endpoint and stay focused. An alternative to this is to keep it hidden and check up on it ever so often. After you have created your list of goals, the fourth step is to formulate a simple plan on how to reach them. The last step is to make a time frame for your goals and stick to it.

The next step is to keep your list of goals somewhere visible so that you can be reminded of your endpoint and stay focused. An alternative to this is to keep it hidden and check up on it ever so often. After you have created your list of goals, the fourth step is to formulate a simple plan on how to reach them. The last step is to make a time frame for your goals and stick to it.

The last step is to make a time frame for your goals and stick to it.

Sometimes you can get off track of reaching your goals and can deter you from continuing. Your goals do not have to be related to finances; writing out your goals is still a very good way to keep your life in check and balance.

How to Get Whatever You Want: Barter

How to Get Whatever You Want: Barter

To get what you want, sometimes it costs money. But other times money is non-existent or limited. Sometimes we deserve to get something we want or have earned. Being creative can be a helpful tool to obtain what you have been yearning for. Follow these following steps to get yourself on the creative path!

The first step towards your creative path is to look past money and to release negative thoughts and tension. When you relax about whatever money crunch you are in, it allows you to think clearly.

The next step is to get creative and discover other ways to get what you want, especially without using your money. Sometimes bartering can be a useful tool in getting what you want. It was, after all, the first form of exchange for goods and items centuries ago. This brings us to step number three, which is to barter with people, moms, businesses, and etc to get what you want. Bartering is still practiced, and at times, it can be a preferred form of payment. Step four is to open up your creative mind and

This brings us to step number three, which is to barter with people, moms, businesses, and etc to get what you want. Bartering is still practiced, and at times, it can be a preferred form of payment.

Step four is to open up your creative mind and eyes and think of ways to get what you want without being trapped in the “not enough money” syndrome.

True needs are the bare essentials for existence like food and shelter, but sometimes obtaining these essentials is hard without enough money. Sometimes to get something you have to give something, which in the end allows everybody to win. Just like in the previous articles, giving something away can come back tenfold.

Reality Check Friday – No I’m Not the Maid! I’m Your Mother!

Reality Check Friday – No I’m Not the Maid! I’m Your Mother!

Maid Maid Buy This at


I’m trying out a new segment. It’s all about keeping it real for myself and for my readers.

The reality is, I am not a maid. I don’t want to be a maid. I was not created to wait on anyone, much less my children, hand and foot.

You are a Mother, Life Coach, and Motivator…not a Maid

I believe I am here to be a life coach for my kids.

  • I coach them about the realities (and beauty) in life.
  • I teach them how to live and survive on their own.

Part of that means they have to learn how to clean up after themselves, learn how to cook, do their own laundry, learn how to shop, choose their own clothes, etc.

Stop Feeling Guilty and Trying to Do it All

I see too many moms, especially single moms feeling guilty because they don’t have the energy to do everything for their families and be perfect.

A long time ago I felt the same way and it nearly drove me crazy. But I had a reality check and adopted the mindset that I was not the maid, but I am the

  • CEO
  • Household Manager
  • Queen of my home

Be the CEO and Delegate, Delegate, Delegate

I learned to delegate age-appropriate tasks to the kids and do the things they couldn’t possibly do like cook at least three meals a week (nope, I don’t cook everyday) and drive to places we wanted to go.

Because I didn’t shoo my kids away when I cooked they learned how to prepare simple meals for themselves or the family. Years ago this is how kids learned, side-by-side with their parents. It’s how I learned.

The Benefits of Being the Queen Bee and Training Them Well

Now my kids cook and serve me meals to give me a break sometimes. I love it when my son asks me if I want something to eat or drink and he brings me a plate or cool glass of juice. He loves doing it for me and I praise him in return. He will make some woman very happy one day.

So take a page from my book of reality ladies. Stop killing yourself by slaving away from morning to night. Trash the maid mentality and assume the Household Manager mindset. The kids are your household helpers and will be thankful that you taught them how to survive and thrive once they leave your nest.

Now go sit down somewhere and have a great weekend!

Do You Have a Big Dream? What Can You Do to Make it Come True? Lessons from MLK, Jr.

Do You Have a Big Dream? What Can You Do to Make it Come True? Lessons from MLK, Jr.

Today is Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday. He was a man with a dream to bring people of all races together here in the United States. His famous, I Have a Dream speech has been the inspiration for me and so many others to dream big and never give up even if it means sacrificing your very life.

Do you have a big dream? What would you do to make it come true? Is it worth the sacrifice?

Last year I showed you a few of my dreams with pictures from my vision board on Facebook. A few of you created your own or said you wanted to create one. Did you do it? How did things turn out for you?

A couple of days ago I created a new vision board for the year. I like it much better because it is more focused. I decided I would just include three things I want to see happen in my life. Narrowing things down made it much easier to find pictures and words to include. My board is smaller than last year’s too so it’s easy to move if I need to.

Here is a picture of my vision board. I also took close ups so you can see my sections. There are some 3-D elements to it as well. My daughter loves when I do my board that way, LOL!


I hung it up near my bed so I see it each morning. It’s important for me to hold the vision I have for my life so seeing it each morning when I wake up and each night when I go to bed helps me stay focused.

Click an image to see it up close then leave a comment to tell me about your dreams, goals, or vision board.


Here is the entire I Have a Dream Speech to watch. I hope it inspires you to dream bigger today.

Give It Away

Giving something back to your community is a wonderful fulfillment, and should be done as often as possible. Giving away money sometimes can not only help someone else, but can also help you as well. When you give away money with a grateful heart, it comes back to you tenfold. In fact, the original idea of giving money away was introduced by God, and it was called tithing. For those of other religious beliefs, giving things away, especially money, is still morally invaluable.


When you give money away, make sure to start small with a couple of dollars. For example, you can give money to Salvation Army outside Walmart during the holiday season. Throughout the year though make sure you increase the amount you give. If you can’t give away money, give away your time. Homeless shelters need help feeding people and helping people find salvation, especially around the holidays. If you can’t give time or money, you can donate clothes, toys, and more, especially for tax write offs.


Getting in the habit of giving can have great effects. Don’t ignore a call for a donation; give it just as much attention and love as you can manage. In a previous article, it mentioned a closed fist cannot receive anything. It feels good to give back to those less fortunate, and you never know when you may need to be the recipient of someone’s good deed one day.