Save Money on Drinking Water | PUR Review

Save Money on Drinking Water | PUR Review

Have you seen the news about bottled water lately? It’s kind of scary right? It was at the time I got the Vox Box PUR water filter system to review. I was literally at the grocery store that day and forgot to pick up bottled water. Then I remembered that I have a PUR system so I don’t need to buy water. The thought of saving money made my day.

I have the water filtering system and have used it for about three weeks. All I can say is WOW!! What a difference in taste, convenience, and amount of trash. I don’t have to have ice cold water anymore to cover up the taste of unfiltered water. It’s convenient because I just have to turn the faucet on and flip the switch on the filter. I don’t have a trash can full of water bottles so the waste has been greatly reduced.

As described in the video below, it was very easy to put the filter on my faucet. It basically snapped in place. That is such a relief because I honestly didn’t want to go through the drama.

Here is the video review. Leave a comment and let me know if you use a water filter or are buying bottled water. If you use something else to get delicious water while saving money let me know that too.

Don’t forget to like the video and subscribe to my channel. I’m going to try to do a better job of posting videos.

Facing Father’s Day without a Dad

Facing Father’s Day without a Dad

By Tiffany Papageorge, author of My Yellow Balloon

If you’ve ever had the experience of being involved in a Father’s Day-themed activity, craft, or discussion as someone without a father, you know that it can bring up big, painful feelings. In fact, the whole holiday can bring up very difficult feelings for those who don’t have the traditional father-child experience.

Whatever your relationship was or is with your father, whether they are alive and not present or they have died, there is a very real hole in our hearts where they used to be. I want you to know that there are many, many others just like you with a hole in their own hearts for their own fathers.

I also want you to know and to understand that the feelings you feel may be big and scary but they are also important and necessary. I know that sometimes it may feel easier to stuff them deep down inside of ourselves in order not to feel them. This is called emotional bypassing, where we bypass our emotions to feel something more pleasant. Emotional bypassing won’t work in the end. It might seem to at first, but in the end your true emotions are still living inside of you and, if not acknowledged, can come raging out of you at inappropriate moments and in inappropriate ways. Deep hurt can disguise itself as anger and become more confusing than if you let it out when it was deep hurt. Our emotions can make us sick if they are stuck inside of us for years. Now is the time to face them head on.

Here are a few tips for recognizing and releasing your feelings:

· Invest in a notebook or a journal and write, draw, or color your feelings out. This can be a great release for all of the emotions we feel at Father’s Day and any other time.
· Find someone who you feel very safe with and comfortable talking to. It could be could be a parent, but it could also be an aunt, uncle, grandparent, teacher, priest, rabbi, pastor, or counselor. This person will be your safe place to go when you need to explore your feelings.
· Don’t be embarrassed! Remember, feelings aren’t good or bad – they just are. Don’t be afraid of them. Like physical pain, emotional pain is part of a wound that needs to heal.
· Ride the waves. Know that pain and grief often happens in waves. One day, you may be feeling much stronger, only to feel very sad again the next day. Our feelings ebb and flow. It’s all part of the healing process.
· Create a new tradition. On Father’s Day, while others are celebrating, create a new ritual or tradition to honor your feelings. My personal example is below.

When I didn’t have my father on Father’s Day, I would write him a letter. I put all of my thoughts and feelings into this letter: the good, the bad, the beautiful, and the ugly. Then I decorated the letter with drawings. I would read the letter through a couple of times out loud, giving myself the opportunity to deeply feel my feelings. Often, I would cry. Then I would rip my letter into tiny pieces and put them carefully in a bowl. I would take the bowl outside and plant the shreds in the comfort of the cool, rich, dark soil. On top of them, I sprinkled flower seeds. I lovingly covered my mixture and said a prayer for my dad, for my broken heart, and for my flower seeds. I would water those flowers every day, and as the flowers grew I knew that my feelings for my father were a part of what was feeding those flowers just as much as the water and sun.

All of our experiences and the feelings associated with those experiences, good and bad, become a part of our own soil and the roots of our life. All of our experiences are ours alone and they are a part of the seeds that help us grow into the flower that we will become.

Yes, Father’s Day is almost here; but just because the stores and commercials say Father’s Day is something specific doesn’t mean that we all have to buy into it. Feel free and empowered to make your own rituals and traditions. Add to them and change them when it feels right to you. This year and for years to come, make Father’s Day something that you look forward to in your own special way.

Tiffany PapageorgeTiffany Papageorge is an author, speaker and works with parents, teachers and mental health professionals whose mission is to find new ways to reach, capture and engage children who are dealing with the issue of loss. The multi-award-winning My Yellow Balloon is her first picture book and was recently featured on the cover of Foreword Reviews. Learn more at

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Get Paid Great Money to be a Dog Sitter

Get Paid Great Money to be a Dog Sitter

Make extra money as a dog sitter with If you love dogs you can make money as a dog sitter in your home or theirs. Rated positively by Yelp and the Animal Humane society

Earn  $2,000-$5,000/month

From the website:


  • Great Income Rover sitters earn $25-$60 per night for each dog they watch, and can easily earn $2,000-$5,000/month. Plus, we’ll handle all the billing and payments for you.
  • You’re in Control You set your schedule. You choose your rates. Watch dogs in your home or in your client’s home–whichever you prefer.
  • Tools for Success Launch your dog-sitting business. Rover gives you the tools to succeed and advertises to continually bring in new clients.
  • Support We’ve got your back. Every stay booked through Rover includes complimentary premium insurance, and the Rover support team is always ready to help.
  • Adorable Dogs Getting paid to play with dogs? Yes, please! Many Rover sitters left stressful careers to become dog sitters. Earn money doing what you love.


Single Mom Makes a Living Dog Sitting

Read about a single mom who is making ends meet from dog sitting:

Earn even more by offering dog training, dog treats, dog outfits, and healthy dog recipes. This side business has great potential of becoming a full-time opportunity. You will be able to make your own schedule, be there for the kids, and enjoy the work you do every single day!

Summer Road Trip Safety Tips

Summer Road Trip Safety Tips

This weekend is the beginning of summer travel and road trips!

With the help of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) I want to share a few Summer Road Trip Safety Tips. I created a short video you can check out below but I really want you to get the main idea so your summer can be fun and safe.

NHTSA offers the following safety recommendations before taking to the road:

Regular maintenance: Tune-ups, oil changes, battery checks, and tire rotations go a long way toward preventing breakdowns before they happen. If your vehicle has been serviced according to the manufacturer’s recommendations, it should be in good shape and ready to travel. If not, or you don’t know the service history of the vehicle you plan to drive, schedule a preventive maintenance check-up with your mechanic. View NHTSA’s interactive summer driving tips

Don’t drink and drive: Every 52 minutes, someone is killed in a drunk driving crash. Be responsible and don’t drink and drive. If you plan to drink, choose a designed driver before going out. Last year, NHTSA announced a new mobile app designed to help people who have been drinking get a safe ride home

Buckle seat belts: All drivers and passengers should wear seat belts when traveling in a vehicle. Research has found that lap/shoulder seat belts, when used, reduce the risk of fatal injury to front-seat passengers by 45 percent and the risk of moderate-to-critical injury by 50 percent.

Protect child passengers: Research on the effectiveness of child safety seats has found them to reduce fatal injury by 71 percent for infants (younger than 1 year old) and 54 percent for toddlers (up to 4 years old) in passenger cars. If you’re traveling with children, remember the best way to protect them in a car is to put them in the correct child safety seat for their size and age. All children 13 and younger should ride in the back seat. Visit Parent’s Central for more information on child passenger safety.

Avoid distraction: Distraction accounts for approximately 10 percent of fatal crashes and 18 percent of injuries – all preventable. Distracted driving can be anything that pulls your attention away from diving, including cell phone use, texting while driving, eating, drinking, and using in-vehicle technologies and portable electronic devices.

Observe “Move Over” Laws: Move over and change lanes to give safe clearance to law enforcement officers assisting motorists on the side of the road. It’s the law in all 50 states.

Stay connected with NHTSA: Search for open recalls with VIN look up | Download the Safercar Mobile App for Apple or Android devices | Receive recall alerts by email | Visit us on | Follow us on | Watch 5-Star Safety Ratings crash tests on |

If you are on Twitter join the safety to talk about tire safety. Join us for the Tire Wise Twitter chat on Thursday, May 28, at 3 p.m. ET.

RichSingleMomma Says… Be a Money Bounty Hunter

RichSingleMomma Says… Be a Money Bounty Hunter

RichSingleMomma Says… Be a Money Bounty Hunter! What does that mean?

It means you must track down your income and expenses to know what you have. What’s coming in and what’s going out. The habit we fall into is ignoring our money. This is a mistake because it slips away when we are not looking.

Watch this episode of RichSingleMomma Says… to get the details then put on your Bounty Hunter hat and start tracking!