When Should You Give Kids Cellphone?

When Should You Give Kids Cellphone?

Should I give my kid a cellphone? That has been a question parents have been asking for almost a decade now. I remember when my daughter first asked me for a cellphone. I wasn’t excited about the idea but I knew she would not stop asking me for one because all her friends had one. She was 12 years old and growing up fast. What could I do? Should kids under age 16 have a phone?

when should kids have cell phone

natureaddict / Pixabay

These days most parents would say yes. i understand that there are no more pay phones and kids need them if there is no home phone. Being a latchkey kid comes with it’s issues already but not having a way to communicate adds another set of issues. My daughter was a latchkey kid for a short time so I get it. But I think there should be limitations.

Flip phone vs. Smart phone

when should an kid have a cell phone

Unsplash / Pixabay

This was my biggest concern when my daughter asked for a phone. This was back in the day before iPhones came out. The Blackberry was all the rage so there were other brands that had similar features. Access to the internet was new but it was coming fast.

Lexi (my daughter) wanted a nice smartphone but I wasn’t having it. She would have to settle for a Tracphone or a similar type. She would be able to dial the number, get text messages, and no data plane.

When my son got older he began asking for a phone. Technology was much better now so the smartphones seemed like the only option. A few months earlier I came across a great deal from Freedom Pop to buy a Samsung Galaxy 3 pretty inexpensively and I’d get free talk, text, and limited data. I jumped at it so I had a phone. Not long after that I upgraded to a different phone and plan. I gave my son the Samsung and sent him on his way. He has a nicer phone than my daughter did but he has limitations like she did.

Freedom Pop has phones on sale now starting at $29.00 and double the data. If you have signed up with Ebates you get $5 cash back too!

Limited vs Unlimited Planswhat kind of phone to give a teen flip phone vs smart phone

My daughter’s Tracphone prepaid plan was pretty pitiful. I can laugh about it now but back then she was not too happy. She had 100 minutes, maybe 300 text messages, and she got charged each time she checked her voicemail, LOL! It was awful. But it taught her responsibility. She could not talk endlessly on the phone and text all the time. She basically limited her talk and text time to me and close family. Over the years she has gotten upgraded phones and plans but she still does not talk very much and she has started to text her friends more.

My son’s limited plan has had a similar affect. He rarely talks on the phone and he barely sends text messages. Maybe it has to do with being home-schooled and not feeling peer pressure. He doesn’t use the data plan much either because he’s on wifi at our house most of the time. Best of all I saved money by putting them on pre-paid or free cellphone plans!

I can’t see giving kids under 16 a generous or unlimited plan for two major reasons:

  1. They are not paying for it
  2. They have no opportunity to learn self-control and responsibility for what they have

Other parents may disagree but I know that limited the cell phone type and plans for my kids have saved me thousands of dollars and taught them responsibility and self control.

Does Cellphones Increase Drama for Teens?Does giving teens a cellphone add more stress and drama to their lives

My sister mentioned a conversation she had with a co-worker. Her son is girl-crazy and is having a lot of problems out of him. My sister told her that her son, who is the same age, doesn’t have this issue and that it could be that he doesn’t have a cellphone. The lady admitted that maybe that was where she went wrong.give-kids-cellphone.jpg

A phone in itself cannot control behavior but it can be a contributing factor.

So should kids under 16 have a cell phone? I think they can if you as the parent put limitations on the type and plan. Can you trust a 13 year old to keep a $400 phone safe, free from cracked screens, or from being stolen? Can a 10 year old truly be responsible if given an unlimited plan and the latest iPhone?

I don’t think so. That’s my opinion, but the boundaries I set with my kids have been successful.

What about you? How old was your child when you gave him/her a cellphone? Has it been a headache for you?

Disclaimer: This post contains links to products recommendations for which I may be paid a referral fee. This helps keep this blog up and running with quality content. Thank you for your support over the years!

7 Quick Easy Cash Methods for Single Moms

7 Quick Easy Cash Methods for Single Moms

What do you do when you are strapped for cash? How can you make quick and easy cash? The first thing is to take a deep breath and count to 10. This is not the time to panic but to put on your thinking cap.

To help you out I’ve compiled a list of ways you can come up with quick and easy cash right now. Choose a method that works for you and give it all you’ve got. I’ve used all of these methods to make quick cash when I was in a bind. The amount you make varies but it will be worth it.

Now on to my 7 Single Mom Quick and Easy Cash Methods:

Cash back for shopping ebatesCash for Electronics

Have you ever wished you could get back just a little bit of the money you spend on clothing, shoes, and household goods? I learned about Ebates a couple of years ago. I signed up and got my first check shortly after that. You can get cash back on clothing, travel, shoes and much more on all your favorite stores online. Simply signup at Ebates and start getting cash back.

Sell small electronics onlinemake quick cash with Amazon Trade-in program on small electronics, games, and books to make money quickly

If you are anything like me you have a bunch of old electronics laying around. Cell Phones are the best items to sell so are tablets. Services like Gazelle or Amazon Trade-in will pay you cash for your electronics. Gazelle sends you a cash and Amazon gives you credit for anything you want to purchase at Amazon.com

Sell stuff you don’t need on Craigslist and Amazon Cash for Stuff by selling on craigslist to make quick cash

The go-to place for making quick cash is Craigslist. You can list just about anything and it will sell. In demand items include electronics, furniture, baby items, video games, and consoles. You can also sell your stuff on Amazon with the Amazon Seller Program‘s individual account. Simply upload your images and description to the seller site then ship when someone buys your item. You get all the cash on Craigslist of course, but with Amazon, you pay a small fee. 

Clean up for cash 

Put your cleaning skills to work in homes or offices to make cash quickly. Busy people will pay you to clean up after them. Ask family and friends if they need help once a week or month. Join Care.com or Hux to list your services.

Weekend babysittingsingle mom make cash quickly babysitting on care.com or through craigslist.org

Head back over to Craigslist to place an ad for babysitting. Moms and dads like going out on the weekend so this is prime time for babysitting. Charge a premium rate for babies and toddlers and a little less for older kids. A Care.com profile comes in handy for this too. Download the Care.com app to your iPhone to sign up conveniently and create a profile.

Sell a service

Put your skills, talents, expertise, or gifts to work for others and make money quickly for yourself. People will always need food, childcare, admin help, beauty products, and other services. This is a great opportunity to start a side gig online or in real life.

Drive for Cashsingle mom drive for cash with lyft uber

Your car is a money maker. Services like Uber and Lyft need drivers in their rideshare program. Services like Postmates, Uber Eats, and Door Dash, etc need food delivery drivers. Get out on the weekends and rake in the cash with your car.

If you feel overwhelmed by the choices simply pick the one that feels the easiest to do. After you have your cash and feel back on top of things financially, consider starting a side gig so you can generate more income. The financial stress will lift and you will be able to breathe again.

Check out my Side Hustle Guides and the More Money For Mom Masterclass (Coming Soon) where you will learn more ways to earn extra money on the side.

Look out for my business start-up webinars and classes coming next year. In the meantime, get out there and start making cash quickly using the seven methods above!

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