Single Mom Side Hustle Series: Cater to Kids

Single moms are pretty much experts when it comes to kids. From birth, tots, tweens and teens, single moms experience every phase of parenting these little people. To make money from your expertise cater to kids or other parents. Child care is always in demand so if you have extra space and time consider being a baby sitter, offer after-school care, or weekend care.

Here are 10 ways to ways to make capitalize on your talents and love for kids: (more…)

What Are You Asking of Life Single Mom?

I came across this poem that Napoleon Hill included in the original edition of Think and Grow Rich:

“I bargained with Life for a penny,
And Life would pay no more,
However I begged at evening
When I counted my scanty store.

For Life is a just employer,
He gives you what you ask,
But once you have set the wages,
Why, you must bear the task.

I worked for a menial’s hire,
Only to learn, dismayed,
That any wage I had asked of Life,
Life would have willingly paid.”

What wage are you asking of life? Have you been asking and expecting too little? Just because you are a single mom, have been down on your “luck” and seem to struggle for the very basics of life, you don’t have to continue down this path. It’s time to start asking for more and expecting more.

The best way to do this is to start setting goals. Start simply but don’t hesitate to ask for big things. I am more than happy to show you how and share with you how life has been paying me big time. It’s no gimmick or sham, but through desire, determination, and belief I have reached too many goals to count.

Join me on the Destiny by Design in 2009 Teleseminar tonight at 8pm. Sign up here and get the details now! You have nothing to lose.


Destiny by Design in 2009 Teleseminar

When: January 5, 2009 (Tonight!)

Time: 8 pm

Place: Your phone

How do I sign up? Fill out the form below to register. You will get a follow-up email with the call-in details.

 Update: The teleseminar will be rescheduled for another time that works with everyone’s schedule. Please leave a comment and let me know what times work for you.

Single Mom Public Enemy #1 – Money (Not Enough)

Money was the biggest problem I faced as a single mom, especially in the early days of motherhood. I was constantly worried about how I was going to pay for food, gas, rent, and clothes. The basics needs of our lives couldn’t be met without a lot of worry, juggling, and praying.

Occasionally I got help from my parent but I hated to ask them for anything. I lived with them for a few months after I had my daughter then moved out. I was blessed to be on the local Section 8 or rental assistance program. I was on food stamps and WIC too so that took care of my food issues. Still, being on these programs did not diminish the nagging worry about money.

There was still mounting debt, being under employed despite having a two year degree, and simply not being able to buy clothes whenever I needed to or do something nice for myself. Most single moms can relate, very few can’t.

Remembering the struggles of single motherhood prompted me to brainstorm the ways single mom struggle. I’ve included the money piece above and added the entire mind map on another page. Take a look at it and see if I’m on track. Did I miss something? Leave a comment and let me know.

Single Mom Breastfeeding: Save Money and Bond with Baby

*This post is mainly for single moms who are currently pregnant, but you can read it too.

New single moms face many fears about their ability to be a good parent without a husband. When I was pregnant with my daughter I was scared and unsure about how to take care of this new life. I read a lot of books and prepared my mind for the task. I knew that I wanted to nurture my child and have a close bond with her because I didn’t have that with my mother.

In my reading about breastfeeding I learned that it is a great way to bond with my baby and give her the best start in life. So I made the decision and gathered books from the library about breastfeeding. I won’t go into the details about how I did it but you can read about it over at Sexy Nursing Bras after reading this post ;-). (more…)