Weird and Proven Ways to Make Extra Money

A few months ago I talked about way to make money if you are broke. One of the things I mentioned was participating in focus groups and surveys. I have been participating in both side gigs since September and to date I’ve earned over $300 in cash and gift cards. This week I have two focus groups that I am participating in. One is a taste test and the other is a focus group on local media. The payout is $75 and $40 for just a few minutes of my time. This will bring my earnings up to over $400.

I probably could have made more had I been persistent but life happens and I don’t follow through sometimes. To find focus groups in your (more…)

Single Mom Health: Feeling Stressed? Can’t Sleep?

I came across Morning Mom’s blog and she had a question about insomnia. I was able to answer here question about what to use to get some sleep because I’ve been there. As single moms we have so much to think about and worry about. Our minds start to race, especially in highly stressful times so sleep becomes illusive. We may fall asleep but can’t stay asleep or sleep just won’t come at all.

To get to sleep I do several things as listed below. Give them a try if you are ever facing insomnia. They will likely help. They are non-habit forming and have been used for centuries.

I suggest that you get some lavender. It can be lavender essential oil, lotion, and candles. I use this when I have insomnia and it works well without poisoning my body with medication.

Valerian Root
I’ve also use Valerian herb. It comes in capsule form and though it doesn’t smell great it also helps you relax enough to fall asleep. For more information about this herb

With these two natural remedies you will be sleeping like a baby.

The most important thing is to find out why your mind is racing. You probably already know but it is helpful to really focus your mind on it then WRITE it down.

Writing does wonders. It empties your mind because as long as the thoughts are running rampant in your head you will never get rest. Do what is called stream of consciousness writing. Just write until you can’t write another word. After you are done you will be exhausted and able to rest.

Single Mom Side Hustle Series – Event/Party Planner

The holiday season is here and the parties will be in full swing. With the recent world events it’s easy to be depressed so people need a reason to party. If party planning is your think now is the time to capitalize on your talents.

My friend, MizInspired gave me the idea for this side hustle series installment. She loves planning parties and her friends are convinced that she could make a mint. You might be one of those people who can effortlessly plan and implement holiday, birthday, office or anniversary parties. If so, use your talents for good and help out those who are planning challenged. I happen to be one of those people.

I would rather pass on the party planning to someone else. My sister is the event planning type. She gets a high off of the details that goes into planning a party or event. There is no shortage of potential clients with this side gig because there will always be office, kids birthdays and baby showers. With you notebook, a party store, and the right amount of cash you can put on the party of the century.

Be sure to take pictures for your portfolio and set up a website (or blog) to showcase your skills. Business cards and maybe a brochures are essential too.

Single Mom Health – Preventing Winter Illness Naturally

The cold and flu season is closing in fast. My kids are already having sinus problems and flu-like symptoms. I am not interested in having sick kids this year so I am reaching back to the old home remedies my mother and grandmother used. I’ll share them with you.

For some these remedies may seem too easy or too far fetched to work, but I have been using them off and on for years and they work. I’ve tried to modernize and use the over-the-counter meds but I just end up feeling worse. Maybe it’s my low tolerance for drugs, but it seems my colds (and the kid’s) last longer with OTC medications.

As single moms we have to stay healthy because there is no one else around to pass the responsibility to. So here is what my mom and grandmother taught me to use. (more…)

Side Hustle Series – Seasonal Tax Employee

Even though the holidays are here it is not too late to think about the upcoming tax season. Now is the time to apply for seasonal jobs in the tax offices that will be in full operation by January. If you have clerical, accounting, or data processing skills you are a prime candidate for working in your local tax office.

Hiring has already begun but it may not be too late to apply. (more…)