The cold and flu season is closing in fast. My kids are already having sinus problems and flu-like symptoms. I am not interested in having sick kids this year so I am reaching back to the old home remedies my mother and grandmother used. I’ll share them with you.

For some these remedies may seem too easy or too far fetched to work, but I have been using them off and on for years and they work. I’ve tried to modernize and use the over-the-counter meds but I just end up feeling worse. Maybe it’s my low tolerance for drugs, but it seems my colds (and the kid’s) last longer with OTC medications.

As single moms we have to stay healthy because there is no one else around to pass the responsibility to. So here is what my mom and grandmother taught me to use.

Castor Oil 

This oil has been around for centuries and used as a healing oil for many ailments. The current trend is to use castor oil packs, but the old fashioned way is to take it orally. It tastes horrible and feels like a big glob going down. You might want to chase it with some orange juice or other juice.

Scientist has been trying to find out why it works so well. Naturalists and moms have known for years that it pulls out the toxins and excess mucus out of the body (not to mention parasites). It cleans the colon that harbors all kinds of bacteria when it is not emptied completely. The germs and mucus seeps into the blood stream and weakens the immune system, which leaves us more susceptible to colds and flu.

Take a tablespoon of cold-pressed castor oil for yourself and give your kids a teaspoon depending on their age and size. Contrary to medical warnings, castor oil is not harmful if swallowed, but it will clean you out very well. You can find it at Walmart in the laxative section.


This wonderful machine is very important during the cold season. In our attempt to stay warm we dry out the house with the heated air. Moisture is lost so the sinuses get dried out and irritated. Soon an infection can begin and a cold comes on because the immune system is weakened.

To avoid this invest in a humidifier. They are at most retail stores and are as low as $25. The warm, moist air that the machine produces puts the moisture back into the house and makes it more comfortable for everyone. If you or your child has a cold with a stuffy head or a sinus infection add vapor rub to the water or special container to get add relief.


This simple element does wonders during the cold and flu season. Drinking water during the cold season seems to go down. People don’t feel thirsty (a bad reason to drink water) so they resort to casually drinking warm beverages. The truth is the body is still in need of water and works just as hard in the winter as the summer to stay hydrated.

Drinking adequate water is necessary to keep the sinuses moist and free from infection and inflammation. Even though I am talking about water from a preventative standpoint, I cannot stress enough how good it is when you have a bad cold or sinus infection. When your chest feels tight from the mucus lodged in the chest or your head is pounding from the pressure of mucus, drinking water throughout the day will help loosen it up.

These are just three simple ideas to either keep colds or the flu at bay. There are many more natural solutions and preventative measure that can be used to stay healthy this winter.

What do you use to stay healthy? Did your mom or grandmother have home remedies that were guaranteed to keep you healthy during the winter season? Please share.

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