Rich Single Momma’s Savings Plan

These days I’m into a lot of different things in my life and around the web. My life is a mish-mash of this and that. At the moment I am sorting a few things out and involved in a couple of cool projects that will encourage and empower single moms.

My finances are doing okay but I see a few areas I can improve on. My biggest hurdle is getting a consistent savings program in place. For so long I’ve lived from paycheck to paycheck that it’s more challenging than I thought to save. I believe in it 100%, but the implementation is proving more difficult than I thought.

I have an ING Direct account that I can set up to automatically pull money from my main account. Again it’s about setting it up again. So I am going to stop the excuses and give it another go.

In the meantime I’ve opened a new bank account. I don’t usually do banks but this one is actually an insurance company that is also a savings bank. It’s different from regular banks because I won’t be nickel and dimed to death. Checking is free and includes free checks for the life of the account, comes with a Mastercard debit card with rewards, online banking, free bill pay and a whole lot more. I can open accounts for my kids for savings and checking, which is a good way to teach them about economic empowerment.

Opening this account is one of the reasons I haven’t started my savings. I’m transferring everything over so it may take a couple of weeks. For sure I will put some money from my current account in and set up my new bank to take over in a couple of weeks.

It’s a start and that’s what counts. For certain, it won’t happen on it’s own so I must be proactive and create the financial destiny I want.

Self Healing – Overcoming Obstacles to Self Love

By Elizabeth Eckert

Self-love. Almost makes you feel uncomfortable just reading the phrase, doesn’t it? We know we’re supposed to be kind and compassionate to others. But loving yourself? Isn’t that … well, somehow a little selfish?

It is. And that’s exactly the point. There are times when “selfish” can be very, very good. When you’re in the midst of a healing crisis … trying like the dickens to work your way out of it and back to full, radiant health and wellness … that’s one of the times.

One of my regular blog readers recently sent in a great question: “How can there be so many of us that don’t embrace self love?” What I got out of her question was a request for some suggestions on making self-love more accessible. With that in mind, we’ll explore a few key tips.

  • Learn the subtle distinction between self-love and self-absorption. In my world, self-love means you care for yourself as you would a beloved other. You create a nurturing and safe environment for yourself, attend to your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs, and place yourself in the presence of those who support your highest good. From a place of self-love, you are healthy and balanced enough to allow your grace and light flow over onto those around you, spreading the joy.

Contrast that with self-absorption, meaning that in your mind, “it’s really all about you.” Not healthy, not balanced, not nurturing, and certainly no extra grace for the guy next door. Let’s just back away and forget we mentioned it.

  • Learn how little beings become big ones. You are not the bad one… The developmental psychologist part of me is taking over for a moment. When babies are born, their brain development is not complete. Babies can perceive when something really big and important, sometimes even traumatic, occurs. They cannot place that event in context. Therefore, when something troubling happens (as it inevitably does), a baby assumes that they are the problem. That they are bad, or unlovable, or dangerous, or not worth the trouble. Not true! Feed your spirit on this thought: God made you. It wasn’t a mistake.
  • Bless your family of origin and move on. If you happened to have been born into a family where nurturing was not at the top of the checklist, understand that your parents undoubtedly raised you as best they could with the resources they had available. It is natural for a young child to interpret their parents’ actions as being “all about them” (see the previous tip), but that generally isn’t so. Your parents’ actions are about your parents. If they were seemingly too critical, too distracted, too strict, or too lenient, understand that any other person born into your family on the same day would have most likely found the same situation. Parenting style often has more to do with the parents’ beliefs and resources and less to do with how an individual child is as a human being.
  • Make an independent choice about how to experience your cultural environment. Some cultures use criticism and fear as a way of controlling the minds and spirits of their members. Think of the stories you’ve heard about restrictive fear-based cults. While you may not have been raised in such an extreme situation, consider that some of the fear that may have intentionally been cast around you had more to do with controlling you than about the truth of who you are. You are fine. People who use fear in an attempt to control you are most likely insecure. Love yourself enough to move yourself to a place of safety and bring more supportive people into your life.
  • While a brief article like this one is by necessity just an introduction, the issue of self-love is critical to your health and well-being. You teach other people how to treat you. Until you can treat yourself with generosity and compassion, you’ll be walking a rough road. Professional therapists, counselors, clergy persons, and teachers or coaches are available to support your transition into a healthier state. If you’re struggling to reach a place of self-love, please find someone you trust to support you on your journey.

    Elizabeth Eckert coaxes, cajoles, and gently guides the creation of healing intent. She’s the founder of and author of Word Cures: How to Keep Stupid Excuses From Sabotaging Your Health. Align your whole self for health … starting today! Share “Arielle’s” real-life story: The power of positive healing intention.

    Article Source:—Overcoming-Obstacles-to-Self-Love&id=1854324

    Quick and Easy Ways to Make Extra Money

    Quick and Easy Ways to Make Extra Money

    This is a guest post that will give you some ideas for making extra money or start a side hustle. The options are endless but don’t get stuck trying to decide what side gig or business to start. Jump in and try to make $100 as well as decide if you like it. For some that may seem reckless but you have to try a few things out to see if it works before you spend more time and money on an idea that you hate or doesn’t increase your bank account.

    By Cindy Morus

    Recently a client asked if I had any quick and easy ways to make extra money? She was interested in putting some into savings and paying off some debt, too. There are many ways to make extra cash even when you are working full time. One of the best ways to make more money in your spare time is to do something you love and to find someone who will pay you for it. Here are a few.

    Collectors, computer savvy individuals, and the natural salesmen can all make a few bucks by setting up an eBay account and selling all the items they have stored around the house. If it’s boxed up and covered with dust then you aren’t using it. Why not send it to someone who will truly appreciate it, and you can appreciate the cash in its place.

    Almost every weekend, somewhere in the United States, some city or town is holding a fair or festival that offers booth spaces for crafters. Get your hobby to work for you by attending some the festivals and selling the items that you have been giving away as gifts. It might help to visit a few first to get a feel for the different crafting trends and the best locations for your booth space.

    If you’re an artist, you could do caricatures or paint murals in children’s room or beautify buildings. My daughter does pencil drawings from a photograph and they make lovely gifts

    Digging in the dirt is not for everyone, but almost everyone loves having a beautiful yard. If you have a green thumb, then why not offer to share that with others. It might be surprising how many people will take you up on the offer. It will probably be downright shocking how much they are willing to pay for the service. I know I’d love to have some help in this area!

    If you don’t want to labor away in other people’s yards, then why not sell the fruits of your labor from your own yard. Pot up some of the multiplications your plants have grown and sell them at the local flea market. Find a local farmers’ market to sell excess fruits, vegetables or flowers.

    Take seasonal or temporary work – as long as it doesn’t interfere with your full-time job and you still have some time to yourself. A part-time job can be the perfect way to make that extra income you need for a special goal.

    Affiliate yourself with a great product like Send Out Cards which I use to generate more referrals for my work as well as offer it to others who want to use it (and I make a commission).

    Get an “alcohol pouring license” or “food handler card” so you can tend bar, work at catering events, festivals and wine tastings. Check with your state liquor control commission or public health department for requirements and training.

    Be a coach, umpire or tutor or give music lessons if you have skills in this area. Contact local schools and colleges, athletic leagues and community education programs. Musicians can offer their services for weddings, parties and funerals., and let you advertise and bid on projects. I’ve found some really great folks for writing, editing, web design, transcription, programming and more.

    If you need some extra income or just want to make some quick or easy cash, then look at what you have, what you like to do for a hobby. Sell off anything that you don’t need or want, use your skills or talents to meet needs that others may have, or take a part-time job to reach the financial plans you have for your future.

    Create your own personal, private Debt Payoff Plan with the Pay Debt Quickly kit created by Cindy Morus, the Money Mender at You'll finally know exactly when you'll get rid of all that debt.
    Article Source:

    How Rich Single Momma Makes Money Online

    CBR002484I’ve been pretty busy over the last few months, but with good reasons. Most of you know by now that I am always looking for ways to make extra money. I don’t know if it’s because I want it or if it’s become a hobby. I like the challenge of making extra money because I get to use my ideas and research skills. I won’t bore  you with the details but I will give you an overview of how I’m making extra money online.

    Freelance Writing

    I am a writer by training and trade. I have been writing for about 15 years in various ways. I decided to utilize my training to make money for myself on a freelance basis. I started out writing resumes then branched writing articles. I also have a lot of editing experience. So here is how I’m making money online.

    eHow – At first I was writing articles and posting on I earn a residual income from that. It’s small at first but as time goes on and I get more articles views I earn more. You can start making money on ehow by writing articles. Get an account at

    Demand Studios Writer– I applied for a writing position at Demand Studios a few months ago. They pay pretty well for simple how-to articles. They pay $5-20 per article depending on type and length. (more…)

    12 Ways to Thrive as a Single Mom

    42-17095685Step 1: Love yourself 
    Self love is not about being selfish and arrogant. It’s not about entitlement or thinking the world owes you something because you are all that. Self love is about recognizing your unique contribution to this world and embracing it with a heart filled with love.
    For single moms this can be challenging. If you have heard many negative things about you your entire life it’s hard to see anything good about yourself, much less see your unique contribution to the world. If that has been your challenge, I encourage you to take a closer look at your heart, body, and mind.
    See yourself from a different perspective; especially without the false lens that you or others have placed over your eyes. When you begin to see the real you take the time to embrace every part, even the “bad” parts.
    Recognize that there is nobody else in the world like you. There is no one who looks like you or behaves like you. There is no one else that has the mix of talents and skills that you have. Some things about you are yet to be discovered and it is a journey, but it’s worth it to take the time to look, then love yourself.
    When I was a young girl I had been told so many times that my nose was too big and that my skin was too dark. I thought I was ugly and could not find anything good about me. I was told I was mean and hateful so I felt ashamed and shunned.
    I became quiet and reserved because I didn’t’ want to make people angry with me or reject me. These little rejections left a deep scar in my heart and there was no one to counteract what I had been told.
    It was much later that I realized that all the negative things people said about me weren’t true. My nose is not too big and my skin is not too dark. I am not ugly, mean, or hateful but I am beautiful, kind, and loving.
    It took a lot of processing and seeing me through the lens of God’s love to begin to accept and love myself. There are still some things that I could change about myself but I will do them because I want to and not because others can’t accept these things about me. 
    Watch this space for the next steps.