Why Your Resolutions Will Fail If You Don’t Do This One Thing

This is the time of year people make resolutions. Did you do that this year? Do you fully expect to look back on the year 2012 and say, “I kept all my resolutions this year!”? How many people do you know who can actually say that?

Do you know why they fail each and every year? It’s because they do not do this one thing.

They don’t WRITE IT DOWN!

That’s correct. They do not write it down, so it does not happen.

The Power of Writing

I am a firm believer in the power of the pen.  Once it’s on paper it is final. The decision is made. There is no turning back.

To write down your resolution is to give it life.

It is a resolve to reach a goal. It is an announcement that tells the world you have something important to do for the year.

Yet millions of people forget about their resolutions after the first week because, firstly, they didn’t put any real thought into it and, secondly, they did not write it down.

Vision Boards Are The Best!

This year I did something a little different. I created a vision board and hung it on the wall facing my bed so it is the first thing I see with the morning light. I am reminded each day of the goals I plan to reach for the year.

First I wrote down my goals after thoughtful reflection. I began with the end in mind and set out to create a vision for my year.

Next, I cut out pictures and words to inspire me and help me remember my goals.

Finally, I pasted the pictures and words in a collage on a poster board.

It takes a little time to do this exercise but it is worth it. Why? Because you will have direction for the days and weeks that make up your year.

Here is a sample of a how to make a vision board

Why People (Including Single Moms) Fail Miserably

Year after year people live in depression and misery and wonder why they can’t get a break. They complain about the same things, people, and circumstances.

If you are a single mom you live with anger and resentment and worry because you don’t have enough money to put food on the table or buy your child new shoes. Or maybe you are feeling lonely and suffer in silence with a bag of chips.

The number one culprit is lack of or incorrect focus and purpose. Sure the problems are real, but when you focus on the problems, it creates more problems.

The Point of Living is Living On Purpose

What is the point of living if you do not have something to focus on? Why go on day after day doing the same things, in the same ways, yet expecting different results?

It sounds harsh but the reality is, your life will be a mirror image of last year and all it’s failures if you don’t do anything about it.

If you want love, a business, a better job, a changed life, write it down. But it is helpful to take it a step further by being specific about what you want.

This could be tricky because, too often, we don’t know what we want. But your heart knows. Listen to it and trust it to point you in the right direction.

Set S.M.A.R.T goals: Specific – Measurable – Attainable – Relevant – Time-bound, to get the best results.

Action Steps:

  1. Think about your greatest desires (let your heart guide you)
  2. Write them in a journal, on a sheet of paper, or in the computer
  3. Create a vision board (optional)
  4. Go and live your life on purpose!

Discussion Questions:

Do you make New Year’s resolutions?

Which ones did you keep the entire year?

What actions steps will you take this month to create the kind of life you want to live in 2012?