3 Often Overlooked Yet Affordable Summer Camp Solutions for Your Kids

3 Often Overlooked Yet Affordable Summer Camp Solutions for Your Kids

Looking for summer camps can be a trial in patience if you don’t know where to look, have just moved into the area, or don’t have many connections. When I move to my town outside Atlanta I was clueless. I looked at all the obvious places like the YMCA and widely advertised camps, but I was shocked at the prices or too late to apply.

I learned two lessons:

  • Apply early
  • Ask about camp scholarships

The next year I got my behind in gear and applied in March for camp. Seems too early but trust me you want to get the application and get it submitted with a deposit.

Where to Find Affordable Summer Camps

With finances being pretty tight for most single moms it can be challenging to find an affordable camp. Here are four options to consider and look into ASAP.

Boys and Girls Club

imageIf you have a Boys and Girls Club in your area check it out. Often the cost for the entire summer is less than $500. They have field trips, sports, swimming, and much more. My kids went to the Boys and Girls Club when I lived in Alabama. I remember it being very affordable. They also attended during the school year for the afterschool program. You pay a small fee to become a member and then your child is eligible to participate in all the programs they offer.

City or County Recreation Centers

The city recreation center is another option to consider. They are usually subsidized by the city to help offset your cost. The price will depend on where you live but you will likely not pay as much as you would a private camp. You may pay about $50-100 per week per child. Many camps offer multi-child discounts.

Police Athletic League (PAL)

imageThe Police Athletic League or PAL is a nationwide program with many chapters in cities around the country. Most PAL organizations offer extremely affordable summer camp and afterschool programs. My kids are members of the PAL club in my city and they have thrived. My son will be going for his third year. It is first come first served and requires a deposit of one week’s payment to hold the spot. This year I decided to pay for the entire summer up front because it is so affordable. They have field trips, swimming twice a week, talent shows, sports, and movies. They provide before and after camp care for a few dollars more.



The bottom line:

  • Investigate the organizations above to find out how much it costs as well as the quality
  • Ask family, friends, and co-workers for referrals
  • Apply early
  • Ask about scholarships

Have you found an affordable summer camp for your kids? How did you find it? How much does it cost?