Single Mom Success Tips For Physical Success

It is very important for each of us to take  good care of our health as wells our body and physical looks in order for us to achieve physical success and to be able to continue living because it is the foundation of our life. Physical Success can be achieved not only by big plans and complicated goals but by simple common sense actions in what you eat, how you move and what you do daily. And if you want to achieve physical success, a happy and healthy lifestyle you should set some plans for all your daily activities.
You should start your morning to go for a walk or have a jogging exercise besides your home, in an open park in your place or in seashore to inhale fresh air… It is also very important that you must eat good food daily and eat healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. It is ideal and advisable that you should have the regular visits to the doctor every month especially if you have little children so that you would be able to know how to care and maintain your kid’s health according to their ages. And as a mother, it is very important that you must prepare a very delicious and healthy breakfast daily because it is very important to all of us especially to the kids to eat breakfast daily before going to school. And after eating, do not forget to drink your vitamins because it helps you to boost your immune system and fights all kinds of diseases.

As a single mom, it is very important that you must have a good quality time to bond with your kids like chatting daily or just by playing around with your kids so that they will be having a healthy and happy lifestyle. Lastly, you must take a break once in a while from a very tiring and stressful week at the office so that you will get refreshed again and best way to relax is to get a massage (from a professional or a friend) to relieve physical stress.


Single Mom Success Tips for Spiritual Success

It is very important that we give a big portion of our time, attention and presence in developing and improving our spiritual life no matter what religion and beliefs we have. It is because putting God first in everything that we do and allowing Him to be in the center of our life is a big help for each of us to achieve a successful life and to have a healthy relationship towards our family, friends and neighbors.

It is very helpful for each us to improve our spiritual life because it may guide us to the right path, protect us from danger and we will be blessed by our God Almighty in everything we do, we need and ask for. Our spiritual life includes practices like prayer, and the path that will take you in getting closer to your God but it also includes your interactions with other human beings. Spiritual growth and development is a process that really needs to be practiced and worked on a daily basis in order to attain spiritual success.

If you want to boost your spiritual life, the first thing you need to do is to spend time in nature to revive yourself or if you have some writing skills you can also write thoughts, joys, and frustrations in a journal. You can also attend a community event to support and give back and if you’re already having your own family you can instill spiritual principles into your kids. Or by just doing a simple help to a family member or elderly person in need would be a big contribution in developing your spiritual growth.

If you want to know more about achieving spiritual success you can read a book of poems or meditation and if you needed some spiritual help you can seek the help of a counselor or life coach. Lastly, if you want have a peace of mind for a while you could also listen to music that gets you moving or helps you relax.








Single Mom Success Tips For Self-Care

Single Mom Success Tips For Self-Care

Is having self-care very important to all of us. Yes, of course it’s very important for each of us to have a self-care because it will result in having a physically fit mind and body and it will lead us to a happy and healthy lifestyle. Therefore, you need to prioritize your life to prevent being overwhelmed and you must determine the five important areas in your life like yourself, your children, career, social life, church, volunteering or etc.

The first thing you need to do is to order your priorities from the most to least important then, within each; decide what activities you normally engage in then prioritize those.  And if it is not a priority, say ‘no ‘and try to decide later if it is worth adding to your list of priorities. When you feel overwhelmed simple step back and walk away or run for a little while to prevent mental and emotional overload. Take a day off to regroup your life and mind and to make it possible take a half-day off if a whole day is possible and then those few hours will do wonders for your soul and lastly you must use the time to pamper yourself.

Remember that when mommy feels good everyone feels good too, right? So dream high, set attainable goals and decide when, where, and how to track your effort to reach them.  You must maintain positive friendships and never forget the old ones and never be afraid to make new ones. And you have to realize the freedom in independent decisions and try to learn from your mistakes to avoid repeating them in the future and you will see that you have save yourself from much aggravation. And if you have made some mistakes to yourself or to other people try to forgive yourself and move on because forgiving yourself will releases the guilt and allows you to move-on with a positive way.

The next step you need to do is to follow your unique path by making things that you enjoy most because all work and no play make life much too stressful and you need to pamper yourself more often by lavishing yourself with wonderful smelling fragrances, taking a bubble bath, getting a massage or nails done or any other inexpensive things that may suite you and relax you.

You should also remember not to get hard to yourself because we are all just human being so it simply means that we are not perfect so we must accept it and try to move ahead after each of our failure. And lastly you need to find your personality style because discovering your personality style is the first step in discovering who you are.