7 Steps to Get Rid of Your Financial Stress Once & For All

7 Steps to Get Rid of Your Financial Stress Once & For All

Financial stress and anxiety affect millions of people. No matter how much, or how little, money you make, you have probably felt financial stress at some point in your life. It doesn’t matter how well you think you’ve planned (or haven’t), things can happen that cause you stress or anxiety.

Chances are you’ve had to deal with one of these situations:

  • Your income dropped and now you can’t pay your bills.
  • There was an unexpected expense that drained your savings.
  • The debts keep building up and you can’t pay them down.
  • You have had a medical issue and insurance did not cover it.

If you’ve dealt with one or all of these scenarios, you’re not alone. Thousands of Americans are in the same situation. They move from one stressful financial situation to another — or juggle many of them at the same time.

The reasons for financial stress differ for all of us, but the way to overcome it is the same.

1. Talk About It

The No. 1 mistake people make when they stress about anything is to avoid it. There is this belief that if you don’t talk about or address it, then it is not true. If you do this, though, the situation will get worse.

You need to look directly at the financial situation causing you stress. It can help to write it down, along with ideas that might make it better. If you are in a relationship, talk to your spouse or partner about it.

Whatever you do, don’t ignore it. It won’t go away on its own.

2. Review Your Budget

If you have a budget, refer to it to see what can be changed. Is there a spending category you can eliminate? Maybe you can reduce your spending until you address your financial situation.

If you do not have a budget, start there. Even if you are broke, you still need a budget. Your budget is a financial roadmap. It guides you to make the right spending choices and to see where your money goes.

Reviewing your budget helps identify what works and what doesn’t. You should check your budget at least once a month so you always know where you are going, and where you’ve been.

3. Make More Money

Your stress may mean it is time to change careers or jobs, or that you need to find ways to bring in more money. There are many ways you can work from home and make more money. You just have to find the right niche.

4. Comparison Shop

If you need to make a major purchase, don’t run down the street to the closest store to make your purchase. Research the item you want. Read reviews and check prices.

Once you know which item you want, visit your store to buy it. You might be able to price match to get the best deal or even negotiate the price, especially if you use cash.

5. Get Rid of Your Debt

Debt is one of the main reasons people have financial stress. Whether your debt is the result of overspending or life tossing obstacles your way it can be easy to get in over your head.

Taking steps to get out of debt can improve your financial stress. It will not be easy. I know this because I’ve been in your shoes. However, if you can put together a plan and begin making progress toward your goals, you will find your financial stress is reduced, or possibly eliminated. (Remember, keeping your debt under control can also improve your credit standing, which can save you thousands over your lifetime Find out where your credit stands by getting your two free credit scores on Credit.com.)

6. Seek Professional Help

If your financial situation is really bad, it may be time to seek professional help. You may want to consult a financial planner if you stress over saving for college or retirement.

Asking for help does not make you weak. It shows you are smart. If you needed surgery, you would not perform it on yourself. You would find a surgeon. The same is true with your finances.

7. Set Goals

Decide what you want from your finances. Make a vision board, or post an image of your goal where you will see it every day. When you can visualize your goals, and see them in front of you, they become real. They are no longer a thought in the back of your mind. Seeing your goals in front of you can keep you focused.

For example, when I was working on paying off my debt, I had a paper on the refrigerator with a total amount owed on it. As we made payments, I updated it. It was in front of my face every day. I could see how much we owed, but more than that, I was able to see our progress as I watched the balance drop.

No matter what causes you financial stress and anxiety, there are things you can do to overcome it. You need to first take ownership and then take the necessary steps forward.

The post 7 Steps to Get Rid of Your Financial Stress Once & For All appeared first on Credit.com.


How to Use Your Tax Refund to Start Making Extra Money or Start Your Own Business for Less Than $50

How to Use Your Tax Refund to Start Making Extra Money or Start Your Own Business for Less Than $50

During this time of year, everyone has to report how much income they made last year. You will probably receive a tax refund of a few hundred or even a few thousand dollars. Hopefully, you are not one of those people that blow the money on useless things, worst yet on things that will not make you any money for the rest of the year.

The top 5 things tax refunds are used on are:

  • Vacations
  • Furniture
  • Debt/Bills
  • Electronics
  • Savings

The ways financial experts say you should spend it include:

  • Save it
  • Invest it
  • Splurge
  • Fund College Education

In the past, I’ve used my tax refunds to pay down bills, go on vacation, buy computers and televisions, and give away to family or friends. I still have some of the things I bought including the computer I am using to type this article and the television my son is watching right now. I still have the vacation memories and pictures.

The money I gave away? Well, I’ll never see it again. Even the little portion I saved is gone because I had to use it for some “emergency”. I regret that I did not use the money more wisely. I enjoyed the things I spent the refund on for the moment, but it did not have a lasting benefit.

Now that tax season is here again I thought I’d share one of the smartest ways you can use your tax refund for the longest term benefit possible. Using this method will solve the number one problem single mothers have. That problem is not having enough money.

To solve that problem the “experts” say you should reduce your spending and cut cost on as many things as possible. It’s likely you are already doing that but not enough or absolutely no extra money is in your bank account.

So I propose you use a small portion of the tax refund windfall for a more solid investment. To make extra money you should start a part-time business. Now before you get all nervous because you don’t know the first thing about business, let me assure you that you don’t have to know about business to make extra money. When you buy a business in a box or business kit you will have a step-by-step guide from start to finish.

Now your heart is probably beating double time because the thought of buying a business in a box or any other kind of business probably brings up images of spending thousands of dollars like you would in a franchise. That is not what I’m talking about at all.

What I’m suggesting costs less than $50 for a complete business system. Here are seven business ideas to consider even if you don’t feel you have the talent or ability to do anything special.

Part-Time Cleaning Business

Everybody can clean, right? We all learn this skill at a very young age. A cleaning business is pretty much a no-brainer. You do what you would do at home, only 10 times better because you are getting paid. Speaking of getting paid you can make hundreds of extra money a week doing part-time work.

If you are thinking about the economy and that the cleaning business is taking a hit, you are partially right. Residential cleaning has slowed a bit because of layoffs but an office cleaning business is another story. There will always be doctors, dentists, car dealers, and many other offices that need cleaning. You might as well get a piece of the pie and you can get started for less than $50 dollars.

The great thing is you can start almost immediately because you will get the step-by-step instructions as well as all the forms you need to get started.

Tutoring Business

Like the cleaning business, you probably know a lot about one or two academic or career topics. If your favorite subject was history or math you can probably teach it to a student. You can make anywhere from $30-$50 an hour. If you have a degree you can teach your subject for a lot more money.

Starting a tutoring service is simple when you have an expert to show you how. Normally you’d have to pay a lot of money to have someone coach you through the process, but with a business kit, that outlines all the steps and includes forms as well as secrets to getting all the clients you can handle, the process is much easier.

As a bonus, you will be able to build a website from a template as well as interact with other tutors in other parts of the country. You’d have a built-in support system. And since it’s less than $50 you know your tax refund will go much further in benefiting your life than if you spend it on frivolous items.

Bookkeeping Business

If you are one of those people who are good with accounting and bookkeeping you can start your own bookkeeping business. For a few years, I worked as a bookkeeper and had other people asking me if I would help them with their books. It is an in-demand service, especially around tax time. People and businesses are scrambling to get a year’s worth of paperwork in order so they can get their taxes done.

Like the cleaning and tutoring service, you can do this part-time and still make great money in the process. All the instructions are included in the business kit and support is available for you all for less than $50.

T-Shirts, Childcare, Catering, Face Painting Businesses

These are just a few ways to make good use of your tax refund using the skills you have. If you just don’t feel cut out for any of those businesses consider starting a T-shirt business if you are feeling artistic or witty. T-shirts are still very popular and you can make great money designing and selling them.

If you love to cook and entertain you might think about putting your talents and tax refund to good use in a Catering Business. Food never goes out of style and neither does the need for a general or specialty caterer.

Love kids and have space and time because of unemployment? Why not start a home-based daycare? It doesn’t have to be the standard daycare set up for age 0-5 kids. You could do overnight, weekend, or special occasion child care. If you are feeling adventurous you could tutor kids in an after-school program.

Lastly, for a little fun, why not try being a face painter at all the events that cater to kids. Face Painting is one of the most popular attractions at local fairs and events. You could learn how to paint faces and turn it into a thriving part-time face painting business, all with a business-in-a-box to show you how.

I’ve given you many good ideas and reasons why you absolutely must use part of your tax refund to start a business. I’ve shown you how to do it with a business-in-a-box and I’ve explained how it can be done for less than $50. The benefits far outweigh the risk.

So many people, especially moms, have asked me how they can start making extra money and how they can start a business with no money. The reality is any good business requires an investment. But I’ve shown you how you can take what is essentially free money and use it to make the extra money you need for as long as you like with a business of your own.

Taking the initiative to learn how to make extra money is entirely up to you. I can’t imagine you would want to go another year feeling frustrated because you need extra money for bills, tires or repairs for the car, clothes for the kids, or other emergencies that come up. Unfortunately, the tax refund doesn’t last that long if it is not used properly and it is often not enough to cover all the extras that come up during the year.

You have the solution right at your fingertips. Now it’s up to you to take advantage of it and work the business that feels right for you and will help ease the financial burden you experience month after month. Here are the business kits I recommend you invest in. I’ve also included two free ebooks to show you how to start a business and how to market a business. Use them both to enhance the business kit you decide to purchase for under $50 with a small portion of your tax refund this year.

Part -time Cleaning Business

Be a high paid tutor

Bookkeeping Business

T-shirt Business

Home Daycare Business

Catering Business

Face Painting


Basic Business

Marketing Basics

P.S. I make a small commission on the business kit you purchase. Please consider it a love gift to me for bringing you such great content for the last three years!

Reduce Your Car Insurance Cost with These 9 Tips

Reduce Your Car Insurance Cost with These 9 Tips

Want to cut car insurance costs – then follow these tips and save.

Drive Fewer Miles

Since insurance policies are typically based in part on the number of miles driven each year, consider cutting back on your driving to qualify for lower rates.

Pay Your Bill Annually

Making monthly payments on your insurance policy is a convenient option, but if you can afford to make one payment each year, you will save money because one-time annual rates are typically lower than they are when you pay monthly.

In many cases, the savings can be quite significant, so if possible, try to figure out ways to come up with a one-time payment. An example would be using a zero interest credit card to make this payment. By doing so, you will still be able to make monthly payments only instead of sending them to the insurance company you will be sending them to the credit card company. If you go this route, be sure you pay off your credit card before the zero interest period ends, otherwise, you’ll be hit with interest charges that will likely erase any savings you get from paying your insurance on an annual basis.

Security Improvements

Many insurance companies offer discounts when people make security improvements to their vehicle, but check with your insurer first before investing in these improvements to make sure the reduction in policy cost is worth the cost of these improvements. Some improvements to consider are car alarms, wheel locking nuts, and electronic immobilizers.

Choose a Higher Voluntary Excess

Opting for a higher voluntary excess ultimately results in less money coming out of your insurer’s pockets which allows them to offer you a policy at a lower price. However, make sure you can cover this increase should a problem arise, otherwise you may not be able to get your car back from the garage until you do.

Avoid Making Unnecessary Claims

By not making claims, you may qualify for discounts that can be used to reduce the cost of your policy.

Packaged Products

Be sure to do your due diligence before considering any available add-ons offered by your insurer. This is especially important when it comes to policy add-ons.

These add-ons are used by insurers to increase their profits and in many cases are unnecessary or may be covered already by other sources.

Some of these add-ons include legal assistance, roadside assistance, and windscreen cover, so just make sure you need these items before agreeing to purchase them.

Breakdown cover is one of the more common add-ons and it’s also a confusing one for car owners when it is combined with car insurance. Check out our packaged breakdown cover article to see how you can save a lot of money here if you make the correct choice.

Coverage Type Considerations

If you’re driving an inexpensive older car of little value, it may be cheaper to purchase a fire and theft policy from a third-party instead of a comprehensive policy from your insurer.

Just keep in mind that these third-party options will have limited coverage and may not provide the coverage level you need at a price that makes sense, so do your research first.  Check out these guys for research – www.moneyexpert.com/car-insurance/

Take Care with Parking

You should try to park your car in a driveway or in a garage if these options are available. By keeping your car off the road you reduce the chances of it being stolen or vandalized. You can learn more in our overnight parking & car insurance section.

Extra Drivers Add Up

Your insurance premiums can increase significantly by adding additional drivers to your policy. Adding one driver may not have much of an effect on your policy, but once you start adding others the cost will likely go up, and this increase can be substantial.

If you must have multiple drivers on your policy, try to limit those drivers to folks over 25. Drivers under 25 will cause your premium to increase.

How to Prepare Your Child for an Ivy League Education

How to Prepare Your Child for an Ivy League Education

It’s been almost three months since I’ve seen my daughter. In January, I packed her up and drove her to NYC to start a new life and education at Columbia University. It feels like a dream but it’s real. I never thought I would miss my child this much but every now and again I feel the tears well up in my eyes and I want to cry. Don’t get me wrong, I’m super proud of her and it was me who encouraged her to go to NYC. I have to suck it up and let her live her life.

What led up to her going to Columbia University is quite a story. We never really planned this but preparation brought her to this point. I believe any parent can prepare their kids with the right tools. It doesn’t have to be an Ivy-league school but if you want your child to have the best education there are some steps you want to take.

This video is a summary of what led up to this major life-changing event. If you have questions email me at samantha@richsinglemomma.com.


Thinking About Refinancing Your Auto Loan? Read This First

Thinking About Refinancing Your Auto Loan? Read This First

Years ago I made arrangements to refinance my auto loan. There were pros and cons to it which I wish I had known about before I signed the paperwork. I wanted lower car payments so I made the leap without all the information I could have gathered if I did more homework. My interest rate was lower but it added a year to my loan. I ended up paying more than if I had kept my old loan. If you are thinking about refinancing your car loan keep reading to get more insight into the process and what you should consider.

Is it a Good Idea to Refinance Your Auto Loan?

What does it mean to refinance your car? It means that you can get a new loan with lower interest rate and have a new payment amount. This is great if you got a loan one that was initially at high interest. Now you are in a position because your credit has improved to get a loan that’s a lower interest rate.

What are some of the factors that are included when you are ready to refinance your car?

Your Credit Report or Score

If your credit score was not the best when you bought your car you may have a higher interest rate than you wanted. But now things have changed. You’ve cleaned up your credit, you have payment history, and a few things have dropped off your report. With an increased credit score you may qualify for a lower interest rate. Refinancing may be a good option for you.

Your Financial Institution Refinancing Guidelines

If you decide you want to refinance, it may be tempting to use your current finance company. Before you do that, do a little shopping around to see if you can get a better rate than what your finance company is quoting you. Keep in mind the criteria may be different for each company. If you want to increase your odds of getting a better loan with better terms without all the running around check out rateGenius. They have a nationwide network of over 150 lenders who compete to get you the best rate.

Time Remaining on Your Car Loan

Another factor to consider when you are thinking about refinancing is the time remaining on your loan. If you have over three years left it might be a good idea to refinance. However, if you have less than three years then it might be wise to just stick with your payments, pay on the principle to pay it down faster, or pay it in a lump sum. Refinancing at this stage may add more time and money to the end of your loan.

Value of Your Car

How much is the car worth? Financial companies look at this when they are considering whether to refinance your car loan or not. If you are upside down on your loan; you owe more than the car is worth, then you will likely not be able to get a loan.

Refinancing your car requires good timing, improved credit score, and doing your homework. There are risks involved including adding more years and more money on the loan even if the interest rate is lower. If you are confident you have all the information to make a good decision then go ahead and refinance your car.

5 Ways to Tell If Your Are in a Committed Relationship

Today’s relationships are nothing like they were in the late 1900’s. Traditional values that once were the foundation of a committed relationship no longer play any significant role in those seen in today’s date.

For those that wish to know of whether the relationship they are in is considered as being exclusive by your significant other, then the mentioned below pointers or signs can help you better figure out where you stand in your relationship:

Mutual Time Spend TogetherPhoto Credit: Pexels.com

Whether it’s for a casual stroll in the park, time spent watching movies in the theatre, or even spend watching Netflix within the comfortable vicinity of your home for those that consider themselves to be introverts, spending a significant amount of time with your partner is an essential for a committed relationship.

In today’s fast-pacing life, time is the one commodity which cannot be bought, nor brought back. If your partner chooses to spend their precious time getting to know you better or opts for spending quality time with you more often, is an excellent sign of your relationship.

You Plan Your Future

Another first sign that you may be involved in a committed relationship includes both the partners altering or considering to change their life plan in accordance to ones that match each other or may be more convenient for the other. Single life is all about making decisions primarily based on your well-being and priorities.

While on the other hand, when in a relationship, if your significant other chooses to modify their plans by yours, you can consider your relationship to be a committed one.

You Make It Public

Making it public maybe 20 years ago involved introducing your partner to your parents or your friend’s circle; however, in today’s technologically advanced age, social media has taken over the role of making things go public.

A public shout-out to your bae, or your boo, in the world of social media, implies that your significant other is entirely comfortable with their respective family or friends circle knowing of your on-going relationship.

Mutual Vacationing

Vacationing together at your mutually desired location gives you a chance to create memories that can last an entire lifetime. On a more general note, no one wants to spend not only their time but also their hard-earned money alongside someone they may not consider as someone they are emotionally committed to.

Another way to test whether your significant other considers you as being exclusive, you may want to throw in the idea of going on a vacation together.

Talking About Bodily Functions

It may sound hilarious, but talking about bodily functions even if it may pertain to talking about an upset stomach can lead to creating a bond with the other that you may not have with those around you. The intimate conversations about your anatomy not only serve the purpose of sealing your relationship as more than just causal partners but also can be utilized as your occasional humorous story.

Most of all, it is communication that matters most. If you are unaware of where you may stand for your partner in their life right now then it is best to convey your feelings, thoughts, questions or emotions to your partner effectively via detailed communication.

Author Bio:

Mark was born and raised in New York. He is studying computer science to improve his knowledge about technology. Mark is an open-minded individual who loves exploring new ideas. He likes to review gadgets and outdoor products. Read his latest post on Make a Commitment with Promise Ring.

[Video Tutorial] How to Download and Make Extra Money with Dosh (Cashback App)

[Video Tutorial] How to Download and Make Extra Money with Dosh (Cashback App)

There are multiple ways to increase your wealth either passively or actively and either with money or time. Here are three ways to add a little (or lot) of moola to your bank account.

Stash Investing

If you have been thinking about getting into investing check out Stash. It’s an app that lets you invest as little as $5 for stock like Disney, Facebook, and Apple. Click the button below to get it.

Get Stash

Fiverr Gigs

Make extra money with Fiverr just by offering a product or service to people who want it. It’s an easy side hustle to start because it doesn’t cost you anything but time and talent. Click the button below to sign up.

Start Fiverr-ing

Dosh CashBack

Passive income is easy with the Dosh App. You get money back when you shop, eat, or sleep at a hotel. I wish I had this a few months ago. You don’t have to do anything other than use your debit or credit card. Easy!

Download Dosh

Download the Dosh App from the Apple Store or the Google Play store by clicking this Dosh App link. I receive a referral fee for sharing this app with you, which helps me continue to bring great content to you.