3 Ways Single Moms Can Beat Winter Blues

3 Ways Single Moms Can Beat Winter Blues

winterBluesNearly 150 days separate the last day of the winter holidays from the first unofficial day of summer – Memorial Day. After holiday decorations get packed away, and winter sets in, it’s not uncommon to experience a touch – or more – of winter boredom.

Some people may find themselves in a rut during those long 150 days. Fortunately, a number of tactics can help perk up your spirits. Here is a handful to consider as you enter 2014:

Escape the routine

Traveling during winter has many benefits. In many areas of the country, winter months are slower business times for hotels and resorts, and you may find great deals. What’s more, breaking up the routine and going somewhere new and exciting – or relaxing – may help alleviate winter blues.

Immersing yourself in relaxation and pampering could be just what you need to release winter tensions. Places like The American Club resort in the quaint Village of Kohler, Wis., offers luxurious accommodations and the opportunity to step outside the winter routine. The newly renovated Carriage House sits above the five-star Kohler Waters Spa. Owned by Kohler Co., the leading manufacturer of bathing products, it’s no surprise the spa is renowned for its cutting-edge bathing and hydrotherapy services.

Such destinations offer you the opportunity to immerse yourself in luxury and do absolutely nothing, or get your blood pumping with all the exciting attractions, activities and culinary experiences at the resort and surrounding area.

Refresh your environment

Travel isn’t always possible, but you can still experience a change in perspective when you make changes in your home environment. Kitchen and bathroom renovations are top choices and winter is a great time to tackle those projects.

If you have the budget, by all means – go big. But if your budget is more modest, don’t despair; even small changes like new shower heads, faucets and accessories can give a room a spirit-lifting new look and feel. Doubt the power of a shower head to transform a bath? Consider the KOHLER Moxie Showerhead + Wireless Speaker. Its wireless speaker pairs with devices enabled with Bluetooth technology, offering a delightful and energizing showering experience. Available in four new colors (Chartreuse, Retro Blue, Navy Blue or Cherry Red), this showerhead will not only provide new decor but also an upgraded showering experience.

Make your own holidays

Who says you have to limit spirit-lifting celebrations to specific days of the year? If gathering with family and friends around the dinner table makes you happy, why not choose one day a month and have everyone over? Decorate for a theme that you enjoy – such as the beach or even the Fourth of July in January.

Celebrate each family member with a special outing. Perhaps in January, your first-grader will choose a trip to the local indoor playground. In February, your husband might opt for a family bowling night. Allowing each member of the family to choose a destination gets everyone involved and excited. Plus, unusual family outings are a great way to brighten winter days.

The days between New Year’s and spring don’t have to drag. Just step outside the routine – whether through travel or innovation at home – to help beat the winter blues

[Podcast] How to Thrive as a Single Mom

[Podcast] How to Thrive as a Single Mom

Listen in as I talk with Diamonaire Lifestyle radio about how to thrive as a single mom and begin creating the life you want.

I believe with all her heart that single moms do not have to struggle endlessly with depression, poverty, and a chronic survival mentality. I teach single moms how to be joyful, prosperous, and thrive!

[Podcast] How to Go From Toxic to Healthy Relationships

[Podcast] How to Go From Toxic to Healthy Relationships

Hear the interview I did on In Da Streets Radio show with Nina Capone talking about toxic relationships, the No More Crumbs book, and much more.

Toxic relationships does not have to be the status quo for you. You can attract healthy people and relationships. All you need are the tools to show you how to go from toxic to healthy. It does take a bit of work but it’s not impossible.

Listen in, learn, and apply the tips you hear in this interview. Pick up a copy of No More Crumbs for more details and hire me as your coach for help with your specific problems. I am here to help and provide as many resources as possible to help smart women who feel anything but when it comes to romantic relationships.

Keeping Momma Happy with Lifelong Learning

Keeping Momma Happy with Lifelong Learning

imageWhen I was growing up I thought my parents knew everything in the whole world.  While I certainly don’t know everything, I try to learn something new every day and I encourage my kids to do the same.

Not all of us were able to get a post-secondary education but that doesn’t mean that we’re incapable of learning or that we can’t expand our personal world with a little bit of knowledge.

I personally love learning and though I was never able to go to university I have always made it a point to use the resources available to improve my skills, learn new ones or simply find answers to questions that I have.

Books – Reading is one of my passions in life and always has been.  Without the information I have acquired through reading, my world would be very dull.  We have an excellent library in our area and when my kids were small we would pick a topic and then go research it just for the sake of knowing about it.   Any piece of knowledge is useful in my opinion and you just never know when someone will want to discuss the mating habits of the scarlet tanager!  It doesn’t have to be something scientific either; it can be new recipes or information on living a healthier lifestyle.  When I meet someone from a different country I make an effort to research their country so that I can converse better with them and as a result I have learned so much about places that I have never been.

One problem that I’ve noticed many of us single moms run into is not having the time to read.  I always keep a book with me and if I’m waiting in line somewhere, sitting in the doctor’s office or even if I arrive at work 5 minutes early, I use the time to read.  Why grumble about having to wait when you can lose yourself in a book?

Internet – The internet has become one of my go-to places when I want to know something.  I know that not all of the data is accurate so I like to research carefully but I love the fact that there is so much at our fingertips.  Until six months ago I didn’t have a computer at home so I can really appreciate the wealth of information available at the click of a mouse.  My daughter has introduced me to wikihow.com.   I have learned how to remove a steering wheel from a tractor, give myself a caviar manicure (!) and find cat urine with a UV light.  On a more personally relevant note I have learned how to improve my e-mail etiquette and make my own deodorant spray.   Another good site is Pinterest and I confess I’m addicted.  Whether you’re looking for recipes, garden tips, ideas for activities to do with the kids or any other kind of information that involves living, Pinterest has great ideas for everyone.

Continuing Education – With the availability of online courses, it is much easier now to take classes that may have been off limits to us before because of distance, time constraints or lack of child care.  There are various free online classes available through websites such as www.alison.com or www.uopeople.org  or www.khanacademy.org.  I have not yet enrolled in any courses through these websites but am looking into it.   A website that is helpful in upgrading work place skills is www.gcflearnfree.org, another one that I plan to use in the near future.

Seminars and Workshops – Many libraries, community centres, medical clinics and local interest groups sponsor seminars and workshops that are free or a minimal cost and some even offer childcare to enable parents to attend.  I live in the Toronto area and there are enough of these events to keep me busy every day of the week if I choose.   A One Parent Families group that I attend has an informative speaker once a month and the topics vary from physical fitness to helping kids cope with trauma to photography.  It’s a great way to get practical information that we may not normally be exposed to and to get out and talk to new people.

Learning from People Around You – Our friends, family, neighbours and co-workers often have handy tips to pass on and are glad to do it.  There are times I have gone out for a walk and seen someone watering their flowers and have complimented them on their garden.  These people were very proud of their gardens and were happy to give advice and answer any gardening questions I had.  Over the years I have learned many creative ways to stretch budgets, ground beef and my thinking ability simply by taking the time to listen to others instead of waving them off and remaining in my own little world of Me, Myself and I.  I believe that everyone has something to teach someone and some of my most valuable lessons have come from people that I have made small talk with in the lineup at the drugstore, at the bus stop or at the cash register.   I have not seen some of these people since but the wisdom they were willing to share with a stranger impacted my life in a very positive way.

Even if you don’t like to read, don’t have access to the internet, are too exhausted at the end of the day to even think about attending a seminar and really don’t feel comfortable talking to people unless you have to, it is still possible to learn something new every day if you remain open to it.  Whether it’s discovering a new route to get to and from work or another destination or stumbling upon a new way to trick your kids into eating vegetables, every piece of knowledge that we gain is valuable.   Learning can make life more interesting and give us a sense of accomplishment when all we seem to do is never-ending dishes, the pile of dirty laundry doesn’t seem to shrink and our home never seems to stay clean and tidy.

The mind is like a muscle and there are opportunities for us to exercise ours all around us every day.

Happy learning!

Get Social to Kill Isolation and Depression

Get Social to Kill Isolation and Depression


One of the best things you can do as a solo mom is get out and have fun. I don’t mean the clubbing, get down and dirty drunk, kind of fun but clean fun that energizes you. There is a big difference.

I had that kind of fun this weekend at a Masquerade Ball sponsored by my church’s social committee. It was not the standard stale and boring banquet you see in typical churches. Nope it was a party with a band, costumes, and lots of dancing!

My life is blessed because it is filled with supportive people from my church as well as family. I can be me and feel 100% accepted. Isn’t that what we all want deep down?

If you can find a place or group of people like that then you have an awesome head start. It kills the isolation that is very present in the single mom life. It also puts a dent in your depression.

I used to think I couldn’t go to parties if I didn’t have a date so I wouldn’t go. Not any more. I go because I want the fellowship and fun. So far I’ve had no regrets, plus I get to meet and dance with all the single guys there.

Here are a few pictures from the event. While you are looking through them why not find a party or other social event to attend. You really need it.





Vacation, Driftwood, and Seaweed

Vacation, Driftwood, and Seaweed

Last week I went on Spring Break vacation with my kids to the Georgia Coast. You may have seen the pictures and posts I’ve put on RichSingleMomma.com. The trip was both educational and relaxing. I splurged on the hotel rooms this time around because there is just nothing like a great night sleep in luxury hotel. Of course I asked for and got a reasonable discount that made it affordable for me.

The beach was great and the lighthouses we saw were amazing.



Have you ever been to a beach and it was covered in seaweed and driftwood? It’s hard to enjoy when you are trying to step over and around it, right? Fortunately we didn’t see any seaweed or driftwood along the beach line. In the past I’ve seen to much of it which didn’t make a very pleasant experience.

Seaweed and Driftwood Experiences
That brings me to a point I want to share with you about what I call seaweed and driftwood relationships. In my life (and I’m sure in yours) I want love and quality relationships, but sometimes I get distracted by people and situations that distract me from my true desire. A good looking guy, an interesting opportunity, or a situation that seems okay at the moment takes my attention away from the things I really want.

Waiting for Paradise
I lose sight of the “paradise” or that “pristine beach experience” I really want because I’m distracted by all the driftwood and seaweed around me. So instead of getting the great quality man, the perfect opportunity, or an amazing situation, I miss it because I’m so focused on the driftwood and seaweed. My energy is consumed by the trivial, which costs me the valuable experience I desire and deserve.

Recognizing the Difference and Waiting for the Best
I’m learning to recognize the driftwood and seaweed (D & S) much better. When an ex calls or texts out of the blue thats D & S. When a guy that is clearly wrong for me but terribly good looking flirts with me that is D & S. When I see a new way to make money that distracts me from my current goals, that is D & S. Basically anything that takes me off course or disturbs my peace is D & S. I deserve better. You deserve better. So let the D & S drift on by as you keep you eyes on the prize.