Having and maintaining good credit is extremely important. It can make or break you when applying for a loan, buying a major purchase (like a house), applying for a credit card, and sometimes can be a determining factor for the job you applied for. Credit can be determined by how well you make on time payments, or how well you maintain your credit cards, for example. To keep up with your credit, follow these steps below.
First, get a free copy of your credit report each year. Sometimes your state can provide a free credit report, but if they do not, you can go to freecreditreport.com and pick up one. Some banks offer credit reports as well, but there may be monthly fees attached to it. Second, make sure there are no accounts that do not belong to you on your report. Sometimes common names, both first and last names, can be linked to others with the same name. Third, check to see if there are any accounts still open in your name but did not authorize, especially if you were married or had a joint account with someone. You have the right to shut down an account or dispute any detail that is inaccurate on your credit report. The last step is to familiarize yourself with the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
Knowing about your credit score and how to find and use your reports can be a lifesaver in many ways. When getting a credit report, remember that your social security number is your key identity. Monitoring your credit report can become obsessive after a while of keeping track of it, so it is best to make it a yearly check-up, so to speak.
Today many people turn their thoughts to New Years resolutions. They plan to lose weight, find love, make more money.
The gym is packed in January with well meaning people, but by February it’s back to life as it always is. That may be your goal but I want to suggest an alternative.
I want to suggest that this year you plan to lose fear and failure. I don’t know about you but it was my companion for a time in 2012. I complained at times but I had to go through the process of letting it go.
In 2013 I am committed to living fearlessly and fabulously. What that looks like to you and me may be different.
When I was a teen and young adult I was not afraid to take calculated risks. I learned that is how I accomplished many things. It was scary sometimes but mostly fun. I want to get that fearlessness back this year.
I used to feel bad and ashamed about some of the things I did and went through. (*cough* being a single mom) I thought it would always be seen as failure.
But I had a revelation or aha moment recently. I realized that every so-called shameful, bad thing, or failure was a chapter or experience in my amazing life! It has added color and depth, not to mention memories for my golden years. I have lived my life and I have no regrets.
Each experience was a lesson and I’m grateful for each moment of agony, excitement, and risk-taking. It made me who I am today…a perfectly imperfect person.
So I’m looking forward to the adventure that awaits me in 2013.
It will be filled with crazy, sexy, delicious, lovely moments. It will be fearless and fabulous. Educational and risky at the same time. But that’s life. It’s not perfect but I’m not perfect either.
Living life is what we do. Live it.
Make the best choices possible to have great quality of life. But I hope and pray you will just live.
The past is over. You can’t go back and fix it. You can only live each moment with all your strength.
Samantha A. Gregory is an author, consultant, and speaker. She’s a single-mom lifestyle, money, and parenting expert featured in The Washington Post, The New York Times, Essence Magazine, HuffPost, ABC News, and Mint.com.
Samantha founded the award-winning RichSingleMomma.com™, the first online magazine featuring personal finance, parenting, and personal development content and courses for single moms.
She aims to inspire women who are ready to thrive and not just survive in their single motherhood journey. Connect with her on Instagram @richsinglemomma.
Money is always an issue whether you have enough of it or not enough of it. But when you worry about money and less about your life and family, you begin to lose focus of what is really important. During the Christmas and holiday seasons, it is important to prioritize. It brings a warm and loving sense of joy and relief to your life. To help bring your focus back to the more important priorities, take a look at the following tips.
Step one towards prioritizing your life is to worry less about money and focus more on living and loving life. When you allow issues to loom over your head, especially financial issues, it distracts you from happiness. Step two is to not allow money stress to strangle you. Losing your kids and your life are the worst things you could allow to happen because of financial stress. Step three is to believe you can start over. Believing in you goes back to the previous article “As You Think, Your Money Will Be”. Learning to love your life and the trials and tribulations that you have come along and will go through is step number four. Learning to accept your life and know you are in control can do wonders to your happiness level. The last step, number 5, is to spend time and energy with your kids before they grow up. They will remember the good times you have spent together than the financial issues.
Money issues will always be present somehow, but sacrificing your life and family are not worth the issues. Put more energy into things that have more long lasting value like memories instead of health problems; it will be worth it.
During this holiday season (or rather any time of the year), it is important to give thanks and be grateful what we do have and what is to come. To be financially fit, it is important to give gratitude in order to receive more. As we take some time to remember those of less fortune, remind yourself of the things that you should be grateful for.
Don’t forget to pay your bills, preferably on time. The services that you pay for in exchange for money are living essentials for your daily life. Remember that you are being grateful of having the benefit to use services that the city provides, to have a phone, finance a car, and much more. When you are more grateful for things, it changes your attitude about your bills. It causes you to remember that you could be homeless and jobless or one of the other.
Bills are a blessing that allow you to pay your dues on necessary services like the lights, water, gas, and a car for example. To be grateful during the holiday season and throughout the year, it is also good to donate if possible to those of less fortunate. Even though finances may be tough and the economy even tougher, don’t forget to give thanks.
When you have a lot of desires and wants, it is hard to tell what you really need and really want. T.V., Internet, society and our loved ones most times blur the lines of necessity and luxury for us. This in turn makes luxuries a necessity, while more important needs are shoved to the back. If you are able to narrow down your wants and focus on your needs, you will be able to save more money!
First step towards recognizing your needs more is to separate your wants and needs on a piece of paper. Having a visual can help you see unnecessary spending and help you plan better. The second step is to plan your purchases more carefully. If you want something (or need something) in particular, it is better that you plan for it. Third, research the things on your list so you will be able to save the money for the purchase and purchase it smartly.
In retrospect, the only things we really need is air, water, food, and shelter (and sometimes clothes too). For all the other items that don’t fall into the basic needs category, they should be considered as optional purchases. When you have all your affairs in order, make that wanted item on your list a reward for your efforts completing challenging tasks that you may have put off.
Extra money is a constant need in any family or lifestyle. With taxes, loans, credit cards, and other unavoidable expenses, a little extra cash would be pretty helpful, especially with the upcoming holidays around the corner. Consider these following tips when finding motivation and new means of getting extra cash.
In most cases, it’s almost a bad idea not to have multiple streams of income coming in. A great way to make extra money is to utilize your skills and talents and make money off of that. Doing things that you are passionate about to make extra money is good motivation, and a rewarding side hustle. If you don’t have anything you’re passionate about, try to do services or create services that people need (or want) and fulfill them. Another way to make money is by taking a class on starting your own business through your local Chamber of Commerce; you don’t have to have an MBA to run a business.
Making extra money doesn’t have to be consistent at first as long as it’s helping to meet what you need or want. Either way, having extra money can always help towards your savings or rainy day funds like mentioned in a previous article. For more ideas check out: richsinglemomma.com/weblog/category/side-hustles.
Hi! Welcome to RichSingleMomma.com. I started this website almost a decade ago because I couldn't find any blogs back then that helped single moms with money. I was having some success in that area so I decided to share what I knew about side hustles, making extra money, and managing money. Read more...