Samantha A. Gregory editor of | build single mom self esteemThis is a recent before and after picture of me. Either way, I’ve learned to feel comfortable in my skin.

Want to know the secret? I love me some me!

Not as an arrogant brag but the realization that I’m worth it, I’m lovable, I’m worthy of all the blessings, favor, and opportunities that come my way. This mental and emotional shift has opened doors for me that no man can shut 🙅🏽‍♀️.

It wasn’t always like this for me. I thought I was too dark, my nose was too big, I was too clumsy. Unfortunately all my beliefs were reinforced through bullying and name calling.

I experienced colorist projections by color struck adults, teens, teachers, and society. I had pain, rage, and low self-esteem. I didn’t believe my life was worth much so I withdrew and tried to make myself invisible.

But there was a spark of hope underneath the pain and rage I felt. But first I had to hit rock bottom. My second divorce, losing my house, bankruptcy, bad credit, six-figure student loans, and a series of failed relationships all made me take a hard look at my life. Something had to change.

How to Build Your Self Worth

I realized I had to change. I had to let go of what other people thought about me and projected on to me for years. I had to release the people who no longer added but always subtracted from my life. I had to move, limit family interaction, cut off friends, and get clear about who I am.

It was the toughest journey of my life. In many ways it was more painful than natural childbirth. But I had to do this work to free myself from the rage that was destroying my life through self sabotage. I had to facilitate my own healing and with the Creator’s help and the Spirit’s guidance I am healed, at peace, and free to be me.

I’m still evolving and becoming the best version of me possible. I’m still discovering the best parts of myself. I’m growing into the person I’m meant to be and growing into my calling.

It’s not easy because the old, self-defeatist me wants to take over and pull me back down into despair. But I know there is nothing down there for me. I know problems are temporary. I know feeling down or blue is not my default setting. I know tomorrow can always be better.

It took time for me to learn these lessons and it will take time for you too. Don’t give up!

How to Build Your Self-worth Recap:

  • Reject what negative people think about you
  • Release negative people
  • Get clear about who you are
  • Begin your self healing journey
  • Remember that your sad feelings today can be happy feelings tomorrow

How to Accept Yourself

It starts with accepting yourself no matter how good, bad, or ugly your life is (or has been). But how can you accept yourself if you don’t know yourself? How can you even trust the person in the mirror if you won’t fully see yourself.

Seeing yourself isn’t just about seeing your features, its about seeing your deepest pain, your traumas, your guilt, your same too. It’s also about seeing your gifts, talents, abilities. It’s about seeing what a wonderful mother, friend, and neighbor you are.

While you are looking at the deep tragic parts of yourself you have to also acknowledge the wonderful parts of yourself too and magnify them. It’s so easy to magnify and blow up all the negative parts of ourselves but how about the great stuff too?

Your baby daddy might be a a jerk who trashes you to anyone who listens, but are you doing the same things too. Are you allowing what he and others think about you be what defines you? That’s the lazy way out of taking responsibility for determining your own identity.

In our society we glorify what others think of us but other people’s opinion are meaningless. What you think about yourself is more important. This is an important step to accepting yourself and building your self-worth and self-esteem.

How to Accept Yourself Recap:

  • Get to know yourself
  • Trust yourself
  • Inventory your greatness
  • Repeat positive affirmations daily

I speak more about discovering your Worth It factor in my free online session on August 1.

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