Debt Into Wealth

It’s been a while since I’ve talked about money management so today I’m going to talk about debt management and elimination. A few years ago I came across a debt elimination system called Debt Into Wealth by Greg Moore. I purchased the program then essentially forgot about it. Life got in the way and paying my debts off got put on the back burner. So I’ve dusted it off and will begin again.

Interestingly enough, and the thing that sparked my interested about debt elimination is this commercial I keep hearing on my local radio station. It’s callled, wouldn’t you know it, Debt Into Wealth, but the person who claimed to be the creator is John Cummuta. I’ve never heard of this guy and wondered if he bought the rights to Greg’s program. I did a search on Google and see that these are two different programs. The program by John is actually called Transforming Debt Into Wealth.
Rich Single Momma

In reviewing his website I see that he is front and center on the page and his program costs a lot more. I guess it would since he has radio spots nationwide I’m sure and a slicker website. His deluxe system is a bit expensive for us single moms. The price tag is $349 plus shipping and handling. It comes with a 200 page manual, an instructional DVD, 12 cassette tapes, a Windows only software disk, and a few other extras. The basic program is $149 plus shipping and handling.

In comparison, Greg Moore’s Debt Into Wealth system is $79, is a downloadable .pdf file, is compatible with Windows and Mac (which I have), and his website is barebones. To date I haven’t heard any radio spots and I don’t even know what he looks like. He sends out a free newsletter, so does John Cummuta; and he graciously helped me when I emailed him about a problem I had finding the original files I downloaded before.

As a single mom I am busy so I don’t have time to go through a 200 page manual, plus 12 audio cassettes, and an instructional video. I’m sure a person with more time on their hands and more money would benefit greatly from Cummuta’s program though. It’s just not for me. So if you are serious about debt elimination check out either program. I highly recommend Greg Moore’s Debt Into Wealth program for the price tag, customer service, and quick and easy implementation.

Have you used a debt elimination program? Have you used either one of the ones I mentioned? If so, how do you like it?

Having Trouble with Your Ex?

I discussed respecting your ex in a previous post. Here are a couple of practical ways to put that advice into effect. Trust me, it’s not hard and it may even be fun.


Find one small thing to thank him for and one less thing to harass him about. You’d be surprise how saying “thanks” can soften a man’s heart, so thank him for one thing. It could be taking the kids for the weekend (even though that’s what he’s supposed to do), it could be paying child-support on time for the month or at all, it could be for being on time to pick them up or dropping them off, it could be for being a great dad. Whatever it is you choose, make it genuine and keep saying it until you find something new. If you never find anything else, keep thanking him for the one thing.


Compliment him in front of your child. This may go against everything you have done up until now, but it’s important for his children to see him as the good guy. Find one thing you can compliment him in front of your child. It doesn’t have to be he’s good looking or anything like that but something worthwhile. He may have been great at sports, fixing things around the house and/or cars, telling jokes, or a hard worker. Brag on him about the one thing you admired about him when you were dating.


Note: This advice is only for women who are dating or married to normal and average men. If you are in an abusive relationship this may not help you. You should get out as quickly as possible. If you are being physically, sexually, or verbally abused please get help. If you choose to use the relationship tactic above you do so at your own risk. Men who are emotionally unstable are not likely to respond positively to this relationship tactic in a way that will benefit you.


Next time I’ll discuss another secret to a successful relationship with your man. But for now, start respecting your man and remember that it’s about both of you winning and getting what you want. Let me know how it is going for you.


You Rock!

A Single Mom’s Guide to Getting Along with the Ex

If you are having trouble with your ex-husband or baby daddy, I’d like to offer a simple suggestion that will begin to change the dynamics of your relationship overnight. This advice may be helpful in getting or increasing the child support you have been fighting about, getting better cooperation about visitation, or having a more peaceful existence with your ex than you currently have.


Respect Him

Women hate to hear that because they automatically say that he doesn’t deserve respect because he’s a deadbeat, irresponsible jerk! What you are saying may be true, but if you don’t learn this one little secret you will always have trouble with men.



If you listen for a second to the man or men in your life you will hear him always complaining about not getting respect. You are not giving it to him, the boss is not giving it to him, and society is not giving it to him. He may not use the words quite like Rodney Dangerfield did, “I gets no respect around here!”, but he is saying it in so many other words.


If you are currently divorced and/or have a child with your ex you can apply the same principles. Even though things didn’t work out between the two of you, throwing a little respect his way will go a long way in the future. Belittling and discrediting him is counterproductive. It only serves to make him angrier and harder to get along with. Every discussion and encounter with him will be like taking a thousand needles and sticking them in your eye. Don’t do that to yourself or your children.


But, how do I respect him you ask? There is nothing to respect you argue! Well let me tell you a little secret: You are not respecting for his sake, you are respecting him for your sanity. It’s his nature to need respect, especially from a woman and the mother of his children.  Remember, you want a conflict-free relationship with him because you have a child together, which makes your life easier. More next time…


Note: This advice is only for women who are dating or married to normal and average men. If you are in an abusive relationship this may not help you. You should get out as quickly as possible. If you are being physically, sexually, or verbally abused please get help. If you choose to use the relationship tactic above you do so at your own risk. Men who are emotionally unstable are not likely to respond positively to this relationship tactic in a way that will benefit you.

Hydrogen Peroxide – Natures Cheap and All-around Sanitizer

I have been using Hydogen Peroxide for years now. My mom used it when I was a little girl whenever I scraped my leg or arms. It stung for a minute and bubbled up but it worked. I never got infections and it healed pretty well.
A couple years ago I found out that Hydrogen Peroxide has many more benefits than I could have imagined. It gets out blood stains, disinfects tooth brushes, is a great mouth wash and tooth whitener, and so much more. Do a search on the “benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide” and you many websites will come up that tells you in much more detail than I can. But here is what I came up with and summarize.
Hydrogen peroxide is the world’s most natural effective
sanitizer. Why? Because it is the only anti-germicidal
agent composed entirely of water and oxygen.

The chemical formula for hydrogen peroxide is H202, and
the body produces it naturally when in a state of
optimal health. When the body becomes weak or diseased,
it is unable to produce the high amounts of H202 needed
to kill off infection and when the body is unable to
fight off infection, disease results.

H202 works by creating an environment of intensive
oxidation, which can be described as a type of chemical
reaction which causes the breakdown of organic
substances. H202 is vital for maintaining the body’s
natural health. In fact, the effectiveness of
penicillin is related to its capacity to rejuvenate the
level of H202 in the body. In essence, penicillin works
by helping the body build up enough H202 to fight off
bacteria and viruses. Most harmful bacteria are
anaerobic, which means they can not survive in a highly
oxygenated environment.

Newer research suggests that we need certain levels of
hydrogen peroxide in order to facilitate normal
chemical reactions and to maintain the proper balance
of good bacteria in our system. Good bacteria are
generally aerobic, which means they will function well
in oxygen rich environments.

Aside from the health benefits of hydrogen peroxide,
there are many other uses for this “wonder” compound.
Anecdotal information suggests that hydrogen peroxide
can be used all over the house, in the following ways:

1) To clean and sanitize the kitchen. Use a 3%
solution to refresh counters and sanitize lunch boxes.

2) To clean vegetables and fruits. Add 1/4 cup of H2O2
to a sink of cold water. Add vegetables and fruits wash
thoroughly and rinse with cool water. This will prolong
the freshness and taste.

3) Wound care. Bathing or misting a wound with hydrogen
peroxide will help clean it while it speeds healing.

4) For your toothbrush. Soaking your toothbrush in
hydrogen peroxide between uses will keep it clean and
prevent transfer of germs. This would be particularly
helpful when your or someone in your family has a cold
or the flu.

5) As an astringent. Dabbing hydrogen peroxide on
pimples or acne will have you on your way to clearer

These are just a few of the many ways you can use
hydrogen peroxide in and around your home. There are
many others. Some people swear that ingestion of small
amounts of food grade, diluted hydrogen peroxide
provides complete body cleansing. (But only do this
under a doctor’s supervision). People also use it to
help household plants grow, and to sprout seeds for new
plantings. The variety and possible uses make hydrogen
peroxide a “must-have” for a well stocked house.

No matter how you choose to use it, it’s clear that
regular use of H202 will keep your house fresh and your
family healthy.

Rich Single Momma

Everyday Vacations

Take a Vacation Every Day

Is modern-day society leading to the extinction of free
time? It seems that the days of having plenty of time
to accomplish all of the normal day-to-day
responsibilities and having a bit of free time are
virtually gone.

How did this happen? All of the new technological
advances should be providing an abundance of free time.
Nearly everything has been automated in some way.
There are fast cars to transport us quickly to our
destination, dishwashers and robotic vacuum cleaners to
take care of household tasks, cell phones for immediate
communication and problem resolution, and computers to
speed up previously tedious tasks.

The problem seems to be that because we are capable of
doing so much, the expectations are higher. The bar
has risen. Our employers, our families and even we
have ever-increasing demands on our time. What can be
done to draw the line and hold on to a bit of sanity in
our lives?

One technique is to take a “vacation” every day. That
is not to say go away on a literal trip every day, but
rather take a break and do something enjoyable each
day. Allot some time each day whether it be thirty
minutes or even ten to do something truly enjoyable and
satisfying. For some this may mean doing nothing at
all. For others, it may mean doing something
meaningful that normally is not given full priority
over other obligations.

A sense of well-being can be accomplished with thirty
minutes of reading a good book, playing with the dog,
or simply relaxing under a big shade tree. Even ten
minutes of a relaxing activity can be extremely
beneficial in this day of non-stop constant on-the-go
activity. A ten minute rest for the eyes can really
add a spark to a dragging energy level. A quick walk
around the grounds can also offer a much needed break
and a chance to clear the mind.

Occasionally, when a greater amount of time can be set
aside, mini-vacations or outings should be planned. It
is important to include some fun in everyday life.
Extreme work schedules can ultimately lead to burnout
and other serious problems. Amazingly, time off spent
doing enjoyable activities can actually lead to more
productivity in work and family responsibilities.

It is reported that many in Corporate America are not
taking their earned vacation time in full. And, if
they do manage to take a vacation, they are taking
their cell phones and personal digital assistants with
them. It is important to find a way to take advantage
of this valuable time off. In terms of value, it is a
matter of health rather than dollars and cents. The
health of the country depends on utilizing time off for
personal relaxation and pursuits.

With a little planning and discipline, a balance
between work and life can be realized.

Rich Single Momma