Happy Mommy, Happy Everybody!

Happy Mommy, Happy Everybody!

ClickHandler.ashxby LaTonya Sampson

Happy wife, happy life. How about “Happy Mommy, Happy Everybody”?  As a mother of twins, one with special needs, I can’t say enough how important it is to make time for yourself each and every day.

Fifteen minutes to have your special brew, or read a chapter in your book of the month or devotional, or even a brisk walk is essential for your state of mind.

I’ve read articles and had people suggest taking one day a week. Other recommendations include getting out for an evening here and there. Great ideas.

But as a single mom, and for me without a lot of local familial support, it can be taxing to find the time or resources to really get away consistently. But there is still something to be said for designating something, even a period as short as fifteen minutes to isolate an activity as sweet as a prayer, a poem, a quiet moment that is just for you.


Admittedly, that’s one of the reasons, I have chosen to begin blogging. I can say, I will, I do, but most of the time, shamefully, I don’t either. We need an outlet.

We prioritize everything, but is our well being on that list?

Paying yourself first, a completely different subject, can mean so many things. But as a mentor of mine says, “How you do one thing, is how you do everything”.

Well,  you also have to pay yourself some serious undivided attention. It acknowledges that you are important, you hold yourself in high regard, and subconsciously even lets others know how you want to be treated by how you take care of yourself.

Reflection and perspective can only be received if you give yourself the time and opportunity. Know that the laundry, the dishes, the emails, the phone calls, that one more errand, that one little favor, all of it can wait 15 minutes more.

Find yourself an activity and make yourself accountable to this just like anything else. Perhaps a prayer partner, walking partner, even online book club that will force you to read that book within a period of time forcing you to take the time out for you. You are better, they are better for it. Believe me, now breathe.