5 Steps Single Moms to Personal and Financial Success in 2022

5 Steps Single Moms to Personal and Financial Success in 2022

We are a month into 2022 (as of this writing). How is it going so far? Hopefully you are still feeling a sense of newness and possibilities. Here are 5 Steps to Personal and Financial Success in 2022:

Forget Resolutions

I don’t do resolutions but i set my intention for my life. This year I made a simple list in my notes app that I can look at every day. I also have my digital vision board on my phone, laptop, and tablet as my background. Here is a quick tutorial on how I did it in Canva.

Create a Vision Instead

This is how I set myself up for success. I also practice raising my vibration so I live in more positive mindset and energy. There are things that irritate me and throws me into a fits of rage like rude drivers but I’ve learned how to keep that from ruining my entire day. I’ve learned how to recover quickly and return to a higher vibration.

I also practice the law of attraction, meditation, and affirmations daily. I have grown to believe that everything and everybody is for me not against me. I believe that I can have anything I want in life. I believe there is plenty in this world so there is more than enough. This belief system is something I cultivated over time so it didn’t happen over night.

Create a Plan

It was a process of reading, taking notes, watching videos, listening to audio books, journaling, and practicing what I learned. My life changed from being a struggling and depressed single mom to a thriving and happy woman with amazing kids. See the difference?

It’s not rocket science but it does take commitment to self development. That’s kind of hard because we try so hard to get acceptance and approval from other people but we don’t give it to ourselves. That is backwards and counter-productive.

Make Self-Care Priority

This is where radical self-care, willingness to be a little more selfish, and breaking the cycle of codependent relationships comes in. This is where you decide that your mental and emotional health are priority and that you are worth the effort.

It’s easy to get trapped in the cycle of frustration, despair, confusion, and depression. It feels like nothing will ever work out and you will always struggle with money, relationships, and your mental health.

Commit to Becoming the Best Version of Yourself

Fortunately, all this can change. Again it takes commitment to your self-development to get from struggling to thriving. You just have to decide you want it even if you don’t feel like you can do it. Even if you don’t feel like you are worth it. Even if you feel like changing your circumstances is too hard. Just make the decision that you will commit to becoming the best version of yourself. That’s all.

The next step will be waiting on the other side of your decision. You’ve got this!

To help you start this process download the Radical Self-Care Planner here. Use the code NEWYOU2022 for 50% off until January 31.


How to Manifest Money (without hustle and hard work)

How to Manifest Money (without hustle and hard work)

“Money Flows Effortlessly into My Life”

That is the mantra I’ve been repeating to myself for the last few days. The results?

  • Today I got a $20 bill and a check for $1.62 in the mail. Small? Sure. But it’s just the tip of the iceberg for the money that will flow into my life in the next few days.
  • Yesterday I got $99 to do a job.
  • Two days ago I got $13 for a product order. I also got another large order for my Blyss Body Butter product totaling $249 plus shipping.

Your life will go in the direction of your words so make your words work for you. Use Mantras!

Why have I been attracting or manifesting this money? Because I set my intention by repeating my mantra . It’s not rocket science (though I did work for NASA for five years) but it is about belief.

Will I manifest more money? I’m certain of it because I believe and I’m adding action to my belief.

The amounts I’ve attracted are just the tip of the iceberg. They are just the beginning of bigger money manifestations.

Can Mantras Manifest Other Things?

Can this work with other things? What about jobs? relationships? health? I believe it can work with all these things.

Our mind, body, and spirit are connected. What we feel in one of them is felt in all of them. They are one, just as the Trinity or Godhead are one. What one believes the others agree with so we must be mindful of what we speak and how we feel.

Our mind, body, and spirit are connected. What we feel in one of them is felt in all of them. They are one, just as the Trinity or Godhead are one.

I speak my mantras out loud. They are little prayers. Not for God to be convinced but for me; my mind, body, and spirit to be convinced and fall in line with God’s plan, favor, and blessings.

My Mantras Manifested a Man!

I believe I manifested my sweetheart. He did not show up until I believed there was someone out there especially for me. When I repeated my mantra prayers I set the intention and opened my heart. I put it “out there” that I was ready to receive all the love my heart could hold.

I put it “out there” that I was ready to receive all the love my heart could hold.

He walked into my life shortly afterwards. Interestingly enough, we didn’t start dating until two years later so that goes to show the power of your prayers, your intention, or your mantras.

When you believe your words become life. Whether you are completely ready for it or not.

The truth is we manifest things everyday. They can be positive like, “Money flows into my life effortlessly” or they can be negative like, “I never get a good parking spot”.

We get what we say we want and what we feel we deserve. It doesn’t matter how often you think about using mantras. You are using them every single day. Your words are little prayers and God, the universe, and your body hears them. They respond and conspire to make your mantras manifest or your prayers answered.

This post is getting long but I wanted to share the power of your words to bring your desires to reality. There is nothing woo woo about it. It’s all about perception and framing your experiences and beliefs.

I hope you will think more about what you are manifesting by your words. I hope you will re-frame your words and shape them into more positive experiences in the coming year.

How to Manifest Money with Mantras and Affirmations

Want to start using mantras and affirmations like I do to manifest money? Don’t know what words to use? Fortunately, I created a list of mantras and affirmations you can use to get started on this money manifesting journey. Download it here for free now.

download free single mom money mantras and success affirmations now


What SHOULD The Lonely Do During The Holidays?

What SHOULD The Lonely Do During The Holidays?

Whether you’ve been single for years or you’re newly single, the holidays can create a bit of anxiety and even some depression in a lot of us. Although this is supposed to be “the most wonderful time of the year”, many of us may be feeling it’s the worst. The holidays mean lots of pictures of ridiculously happy families and seemingly perfect couples. So, what’s a girl to do when it’s the holidays and she’s got no one to meet underneath the mistletoe? Here are a few tips for thriving through the holidays no matter how long it’s been since you’ve become a party of one.

  • Recognize that everything isn’t as it seems. You may see them looking “picture perfect” on social media, but that does not mean their life matches the pictures. Remember that people tend to post only the highlights of their lives, and just as they have good moments, they also have bad ones that you don’t know about. The grass ISN’T greener on the other side. Your life ISN’T all bad simply because you are single.


  • It’s perfectly okay to feel sad or disappointed that you’re alone during the holidays, even if this isn’t the first time. Let no one tell you that you should just “deal with it” or “get over it”. Feel your feelings, but don’t stay there. Cry if you must. Scream if you must. Cuddle up with your most favorite junk food while you binge watch your favorite show if you must. But once you’ve done what you need to do in order to get those feelings out, get up and smile. Do something that makes you happy. Be patient with yourself. Show yourself a little extra TLC. You don’t have to deny or ignore your feelings, in fact, you should embrace them. The trick, however, is to not allow them to consume you.


  • Protect your peace by any means necessary. You know the holidays are coming, so, do your best to prepare for them. If you know your family is notorious for playing 21 Questions when it comes to your dating life and it bothers you, decide whether or not answering their questions is beneficial to your mental health. Yes, they are your family and you love them and they love you, but if answering their questions is a reminder to you of where you are and that’s going to leave you feeling “less than”, you need to get your response together.

You get to decide if your response is a “scripted” answer you will give to any family member you know is prone to asking personal questions or deciding that you will not continue answering questions you don’t feel comfortable answering. It may seem extreme, but you have to do what works best for you. Taking a break from social media may also be needed if you find yourself feeling more depressed after seeing all the nice pictures and families online. Take the time to read some books or check out some comedy shows or going full on “unplugged” and not using your phone at all for a few hours a day.


  • Take time to show gratitude for the things you DO have. As cliche as it might sound, taking time to show gratitude really does work. Let me be clear though in saying that practicing gratitude does not guarantee you will not feel down about your current situation, and as stated, those feelings should be embraced. It does, however, mean that you will begin to see that singleness isn’t a curse. Being in a relationship or marriage isn’t the end all, be all. There is so much more to your life than your relationship status. Your worth does NOT diminish just because you are alone, despite what society would have you believe. 


  • Do something nice for someone else. Volunteer at a shelter (make sure to follow all the guidelines in place to keep you safe from COVID-19), buy a nice gift for someone you know isn’t expecting anything(it doesn’t have to be anything expensive. It’s the thought that counts), cook a special dish for an elderly family member just because, etc. Doing nice things for others really will help you to take your mind off your situation and you’ll be blessed in the process of blessing someone else. Everyone wins!


  • Know that material things aren’t what the holidays are about. I know that we all want to buy nice things for our kids and maybe you don’t have the money to get everything you’d like to. Please, please, please don’t beat yourself up about it. You show love to them, you clothe them, you feed them, etc, that is so much more important than gifts under a tree. It’s not about the money you spend, it’s about the time you get to spend with your family. As the saying goes, money can’t buy happiness and while I am sure you’d agree that it would definitely help, know that it isn’t everything. Your kids are blessed to have you as their mom and that in itself is a wonderful gift.


When Is The Right Time To Introduce The New Guy I’m Dating To My Kids?

When Is The Right Time To Introduce The New Guy I’m Dating To My Kids?

It’s the age old tale, boy meets girl, they fall in love and get married, have a couple of kids, get divorced and move on with other people.

Okay, okay, that isn’t really the way we were told things would go, but the reality is, that’s the way things went for many of us.

None of us really got married thinking the person we married was anything other than “the one”. None of us really expected that who we vowed to spend forever with wouldn’t actually be a part of our forever.

And what in the world are we supposed to do when we finally get back into these dating streets and meet someone new? How are we ever to determine when we should introduce our new partner or potential partner to our kids? How are we to know when the time is “right”?

We don’t want to upset our kids. We don’t want to have people saying bad things about us. 

The Bright Side

The thing to remember though, is no when or how you decide to introduce this new person in your life to the people you love and care about, especially your kids, you run the risk of upsetting your kids and having people say not so nice things about you and/or your choices.

However, another possible outcome to that is, your kids could meet, take to, and build a genuine connection with the new man in your life instantly and the people around you could be genuinely happy for and supportive of you and your decision to move on with someone new.

The truth is, no one can make the decision of when to introduce your new man to your kids for you but you and you need only listen to your heart. You see, no matter what other people feel or what they have to say, the decision is ultimately up to you.

I will, however, give you a few things to think about when trying to make the determination of when the time is right. 

Live YOUR Life

Please know that despite what you may have heard or read, it is absolutely fine and actually pretty healthy for your kids to see you dating and happy.

Know that no one controls your life or your happiness, but you. Also know that it’s absolutely okay to casually date and also to introduce a guy you’re casually dating to your kids.

You don’t have to divulge any more information to your kids or anyone else that you don’t feel comfortable with. You can introduce the guy you’re casually dating as a friend (if you guys are just casually dating that IS essentially what he is right?) or… not. It’s totally up to you.

YOU determine what goes on in your life and if you think your kids are old enough, mature enough, or whatever enough to let them know that the guy you’ve introduced them to is someone you’re only casually dating, then do that!

If you feel it best to only introduce a man you’re dating to your kids if you’re dating exclusively then do that! Listen to your heart, your gut and you will not go wrong.

The “right” time is when YOU feel it’s “right” and THAT is what’s most important. 

4 Ways to Reconnect with Your Child (and Yourself) After Divorce

4 Ways to Reconnect with Your Child (and Yourself) After Divorce

If you are a mom like me you loved the time with your child. The playing, the little dance parties, you ingest it in every inch of you and crave it more than chocolate.  Then a divorce happens and a court puts you on a diet of this amazing experience. 

So how do you deal with this sudden change in your life? How do you go without or at least less of what you once had whenever you felt like walking in their room?  It’s hard at first but you will find that it will make you a better parent when your time does come again.

For me it was crying for days then I realized I had to use this time for him and for me. Here is my plan: 

Give Every Weekend a Theme

While the goal should always be to make a better home for them and for you-both within and outside yourself, feel free to target it down to a more specific theme. Personally I am focusing on financial agendas and preparing to be the financial and emotional caregiver my child needs. I also use the time to apply to more teaching and writing jobs as well as responding to opportunities. 

For you it could be making a cleaner home or even cleaner eating. Be there for you by preparing for them and their future. 

Keep a “I can do it then list” 

You know those “Oh yeah” moments when you remember things you need to do? Well now it can be done then..I literally have on my phone a list just for this time. It’s all the things that isn’t urgent but would really be great if it was done already.  This can be calling a family member or talking to a financial advisor now that you are only 1 for 1 so to speak. 

This will not only fill up the time but space out the time you have for your child and allow you to focus on them when it’s your time with them without feeling stressed that there is so much to do. Put everything on it-even things you have put off before the divorce. 

Get Back Into Your Passions

Take this time to evolve your passions-some you have to admit were ignored while you lovingly heard “Mommy!” on a daily basis. For me, I started writing again (enter this column) and began to watch Project Runway and doing the challenges.  I also started looking into restarting yoga which I did weekly back when I interned at the White House and miss. 

This will allow you to fill in the gap so to speak with a bit of you and even give you something to talk about with your child when they come back. In fact, I have a new children’s book idea as a result of talking to my kid about things I am writing about. 

Use the time to Research how to be a better mommy

From organization to better eating for us and our new home, I have finally allowed myself time to get into the pile of magazines that were pushed away for Legos. I also reviewed the home equipment I had and asked family to donate tools and other items I knew I was going to prospectively need in the future.  

This may be a given (better mommy) but it also allows you to reconnect with your child even while he’s not there. I get to look at his artwork while I figure out a filing system for it. My son and I are trying new foods together and we got ourselves a crock pot recently. You should also do some research about yourself too. I recently finally went to a cholesterol specialist-never had time for that and now that I am a single mommy, my health needs to return to priority. 

The bottom line: take the time for you and for them to be enriched and readied for the future. Of course tears will come and for me they still come to this day, but when you wash your face—get back to work. 


Heather Piedmont

Heather is a Politico turned special needs single mom who just started journaling her path for other single mom’s. She lives in NYC with the greatest kid ever. 





5 Ways to Encourage Self-Directed Learning

5 Ways to Encourage Self-Directed Learning

Self-directed learning is the best approach to life-long attainment of knowledge. If you’re considering it to traditional learning methods, this article gives an excellent overview of the processes it entails to encourage the best results in learning.

Imagine a situation where you’re an average student, and the opportunities accorded to you cannot change your situation. Do you throw in the towel and declare education a no-go zone for you, or do you try to learn about things that can potentially change your situation or others for the better? Unfortunately, not everyone realizes that they have the power to change their futures.

On the flip side, though, the power lies within us all to learn about things that would change our situations and the environment around us for the better. Self-directed learning is the process through which individuals push themselves to realize their needs in learning with or without others’ help. 

They will then develop their own learning goals while identifying materials that can aid them throughout the learning process. In today’s’ world, where technology is rapidly taking over, there is a need to continually re-skill and learn about new ways of doing things. It is essential to re-learn things we previously knew and discover them deeper. 

When you develop self-directed learning strategies to change a situation where you need to learn new skills, you put yourself ahead of those who only rely on traditional learning methods. Today’s world is set up in a way where self-directed learning skills are necessary, but essential to career, social, and even self-development. 

 In a world where self-directed learning activities are encouraged, and learning tools are many, it makes sense that one takes advantage of all the self-directed learning methods available. Any student who wants to succeed in their learning experience should have a self-directed learning plan that’ll help them bridge gaps that they’re facing in their journey to attaining knowledge.  

We must encourage this type of learning for all learners. Here are a few tips on how to do it.


Determine the Willingness to Learn

Self-directed learning challenges exist. A student will find self-directed learning much easier if they can get self-directed learning examples and conduct a thorough assessment of various factors. These include their attitude, skills, habits, and even their support network and how these factors will contribute towards their success in self-directed learning. 

Before students engage in self-development, they must look at any past experiences they’ve had in the past with self-learning. This will play a huge role in developing self-directed strategies that’ll allow them to have a constructive process. 

Some of the most important aspects or skills to evaluate for a student include their organization, self-discipline, experience with self-directed learning, and how well they take constructive criticism. A student looking to engage in self-directed learning is encouraged to embrace being autonomous and practice excellent communication.


Identifying Self-directed Learning Objectives

While encouraging a student to take up self-directional learning, the student must learn how to communicate effectively. This is a necessary skill to learn as they’ll have to develop a relationship with an instructor. When communication skills come into play in self-directed learning, both sides have to understand what expectations are required. 

 The instructor supervising the student should have a clear view of the self-directed learning goals the student has. Likewise, the student must have access to the contractor’s self-directed learning contract. Understanding each other ensures that both parties are privy to what is expected from each one of them.


Learn More About Yourself and the Process

There are many self-directed learning benefits a student will reap if they understand their needs for self-directed learning. As learners, one must understand the gaps they need to fill and how their approach to self-directed learning will help them fill these needs. 

Self-directed learning requires the student’s total transformation because they’re required to learn new ideas and understand them on their own. Self-directed learning will require more in-depth knowledge than traditional education, where a student is only required to learn what is taught to them to complete a course. 

In self-directed learning, a student is required to motivate themselves and dig deeper into their studying to bridge their gaps. It is, therefore, essential to develop an in-depth approach to self-directed learning. 


Evaluate the Learning Process

In self-directed learning, students must learn to self-evaluate and self-reflect continually. This is to assess their progress and how their learning goals are coming along during self-directed learning. Some of the processes students of self-directed learning will need to engage in include:

– Regular consultation and assessments with their instructor while implementing feedback received.

– Reflection of the aspects learned during the self-directed learning process and evaluating the essential questions concerning the learning process. 


Share and Apply What You’ve Learnt


There’s no point in self-directed learning if you’re going to hoard what you’ve learned and kept it to yourself. The best way to learn something more profound is to teach it. It’s therefore essential that after you’ve learned and finished your unit, you share the information you’ve gained with your mentors and peers.  

Sharing what you learn in self-directed learning is essential, as it’ll help you discover other aspects you hadn’t thought of. Ultimately, you’ll create something positive for you and your community or environment out of your self-directed learning experience. 

Once you start to practice the things you’ve learned on your self-directed learning journey, you can now create opportunities for yourself that never existed before. 



Self-directed learning isn’t an experience or process for faint-hearted students. It’s a journey that requires patience, a strong will, a willingness to learn, self-motivation, and strategies that’ll get you to where your goals are. 

It would be best if you valued the progress you’re making over performance. Self-directed learning is a life-long process that one can’t accomplish if they value performance overdevelopment or in-depth knowledge.  

Have you considered self-directed learning as an alternative method of learning? If you have, what has been your experience? How did you overcome the challenges that come with self-directed learning? Tell us your experiences in the comments below. We’d love to hear from you.


Author’s Bio:

Sherry is a consultant and been involved in many successful projects with a range of companies throughout the country. She enjoys researching, discussing, and writing on the topics of relationships on the best dating sites 2020, when not absorbed in the latest gripping articles. Sherry loves cooking, doing sports, and otherwise spends far much time at the computer.