Losing Fear and Failure in 2013

Losing Fear and Failure in 2013


Today many people turn their thoughts to New Years resolutions. They plan to lose weight, find love, make more money.

The gym is packed in January with well meaning people, but by February it’s back to life as it always is. That may be your goal but I want to suggest an alternative.

I want to suggest that this year you plan to lose fear and failure. I don’t know about you but it was my companion for a time in 2012. I complained at times but I had to go through the process of letting it go.

In 2013 I am committed to living fearlessly and fabulously. What that looks like to you and me may be different.

When I was a teen and young adult I was not afraid to take calculated risks. I learned that is how I accomplished many things. It was scary sometimes but mostly fun. I want to get that fearlessness back this year.

I used to feel bad and ashamed about some of the things I did and went through. (*cough* being a single mom) I thought it would always be seen as failure.

But I had a revelation or aha moment recently. I realized that every so-called shameful, bad thing, or failure was a chapter or experience in my amazing life! It has added color and depth, not to mention memories for my golden years. I have lived my life and I have no regrets.

Each experience was a lesson and I’m grateful for each moment of agony, excitement, and risk-taking. It made me who I am today…a perfectly imperfect person.

So I’m looking forward to the adventure that awaits me in 2013.



It will be filled with crazy, sexy, delicious, lovely moments. It will be fearless and fabulous. Educational and risky at the same time. But that’s life. It’s not perfect but I’m not perfect either.

Living life is what we do. Live it.

Make the best choices possible to have great quality of life. But I hope and pray you will just live.

The past is over. You can’t go back and fix it. You can only live each moment with all your strength.

Cherish it.

Guard it from negative people.

Prepare to be amazed!

Back to School (for FREE)…Temporarily to Increase My Earning Potential!

Back to School (for FREE)…Temporarily to Increase My Earning Potential!



Well I’m back in school and I’m loving it (no this is not a McDonald’s commercial)! I just love learning and I love it when my learning increases my earning potential. This photo is of the books I am using for my Java Programming course. I will be a certified Java Programmer after I finish the class and take the exam.

Are you wondering why I’m taking Java programming of all things? Welp, it’s for a couple of reasons. First because it’s the foundation class for the mobile application development course I’m going to be taking. Second, because it’s FREE!!! Yep, I said free. I’ll get to how that’s possible a little later. But first let me answer why I’m taking this class after I’ve published a book which should increase my earning potential.

I’m an IT Geek So I Say It Loud and Proud!

I love ideas, I love graphic design, and I love technology. I’m an IT (information technology) professional in real life so this is a perfect fit for me. I will be designing mobile applications (the kind you have on your smart phone) once I complete the course. Developing mobile apps will make me giddy with happiness because it combines all the things I love. Plus, I get to earn a pretty penny (or lots of pennies) on top of that.

The Earning Potential is Phenomenal

How much? Well let me put it this way; it is rumored that ESPN paid $100k to get their Fantasy Football app created. That is not chump change. The average app cost anywhere from $5,000-$10,000 to be developed. This is for a custom app. So for me, the earning potential runs in the six-figures if I develop apps for medium to large companies. If create my own apps the earning potential is greater because I get all the profits. Some app developers are earning millions…you remember Angry Birds don’t you?

How I Get to Go to School for Free

I am confident my education will pay off in huge dividends. The best part is I get to go to school for free. I bet you were waiting for that part. Well a few months ago I wrote about losing my job. I was out of work for a year and collecting unemployment. Each week I had to submit my report so I could get the check. One day I was on the DOL (department of labor) website and decided to look into training.

I called the office and got information about the WIA (Workforce Initiative Act) training programs. I was told I may be eligible for the program and to show up at the designated place at the designated time for an information session. I went and had to complete paperwork as well as turn in other information.

That was in June or July of this year. I was told it would be a while before I knew if I was accepted because funding had to come in from the State. Getting accepted into the program meant I could choose a school and the State would pay all expenses including books and certification exams. The point is to get people on unemployment back to work by upgrading their skills.

Back in School for a Short Time to Earn More Money for a Lifetime

Long story short….I got accepted into the program. I chose the school I wanted to attend and started more paperwork. The school I chose encourages their students to start their own business so they have a session to teach and provide entrepreneurial skills. So here I am, back in school for about a 4-6 weeks to learn Java programming and mobile app development. I will get my certification and begin a new career path that will net me more money as I continue to journey toward financial freedom.

The moral of the story? Never stop learning!

Are you back in school? Do you have a technical certificate or degree?

How do you plan to increase your earning potential in 2013 and beyond?

My Book No More Crumbs is Almost Here!

My Book No More Crumbs is Almost Here!

Samantha Gregory Author of "No More Crumbs"I’m very exctited to tell you that I’ve finished my new book, No More Crumbs. I got the proof copy yesterday to review and as soon as I approve it you will be able to buy a copy on Amazon.com.

I wrote the book because I wanted to address the issue so many smart, beautiful women, like you and me, face when it comes to relationships. We are notorious for picking guys that make us cry, make us angry, and make us depressed. We are single moms because we choose the wrong guy. But this book will show you how to become a relationship genius!

I was on a cycle for years where I chose one crummy guy after another. I was making myself crazy until I jumped off the merry-go-round and decided my sanity was more important than keeping my bed warm at night.

So No More Crumbs: How to Stop Dating (and Mating) for Crumbs and Get the Cake You Deserve in 10 Crucial Steps, was born. Yep it’s a long title but women need answers right now. You want to know the signs of a potentially crummy relationship and you want the skills to choose quality men.

I’m not going to blab on about the book because you can’t get until next week. In the meantime, you can like my page on Facebook and like me on Twitter. My website is SamanthaGregory.com. Go on over and grab the free ebook featured there.

5 Reasons Why Fighting for Child Support is a Lost Cause

5 Reasons Why Fighting for Child Support is a Lost Cause

Usher and  Katie Holmes wins custody

So you are upset and angry that your ex is not paying child support. It happens, but you are probably a bigger part of the problem than he is. I’ll explain how this is true shortly.

I just learned about a Facebook page/group that is focused on exposing deadbeat dads. I will not link to it here because I am not interested in adding fuel to the fire. The amount of venom on that page is enough to kill an entire city. But it’s pointless because the women just make themselves look bad.

Haven’t we learned the lessons from seeing Usher’s ex-wife? She went for his jugular and still lost the kids. Contrast this to Katie Holmes who handled her business in private and came out on top with a fat child support settlement. Tom Cruise’s annual $400k payment is nothing to sneeze at; yet women are showing their fangs over $400 a month. I’m not sitting in judgement but simply cry out for a little common sense!

Ladies have you stopped to consider that fighting for child support is a lost cause? Who really wins in a fight? How many single moms have really won by fighting their child’s father for money? How many children have lost a great mom in the process because she’s angry all the time?

Here are 6 reasons why fighting for child support is a lost cause:

1. You will be the only idiot screaming like a banshee

Do you really want to be one of those women who spends all her time being angry at and trying to make your baby daddy’s life miserable? Those women are crazy and you will look like them when you put your stuff out there about how he isn’t paying child support. The reality is you are no longer in control of your own life when you behave this way. You place your will in his hands and give him control (on a silver platter) each time you use energy to be angry with him.

2. He will grow resentful and you will still get nothing

Men are delicate creatures with fragile egos. They do not respond well to threats and embarrassment. Back them up into a corner and they come out swinging or resort to passive-aggressive behavior. He will do the exact opposite of what you want him to do no matter how much he loves his kids.

3. Breaking him down makes you look bad to any future man you want to date

This is something most women aren’t thinking about. I’m talking about extreme behavior here. Calling him names, dragging him to court time and time again, bad-mouthing him to the entire world is something that will follow you. Do you think a real man will want to be with you after he hears about how you treated the father of your child(ren)? He will think you will do the same thing to him and run in the other direction.

4. You never get to the root of the problem…

… your failure to choose a good man; the deadbeat is a reflection of your character and bad choices. This is a biggie…it’s tough to look yourself in the mirror and see who you really are. The reality is the people in our lives are a reflection of ourselves. So if you are only see how low-down and dirty he is, consider you might be seeing those characteristics in your own life. We only recognize drama if we have drama. In the same way we only recognize a low-down dirty man if we are that kind of woman. Like the kids say…It takes one to know one.

5. The kids always get the raw deal…their dad is gone physically and you are gone emotionally

Finally, the people who are truly hurt by all of this are the kids. They didn’t ask to come into this world. They are innocent and have to deal with your mess. They have to deal with your bad choice in a father for them and now you are making them live in a negative emotionally environment. At some point you have to grow up, put on your big girl panties, and take responsibility for the choices you made.

What’s the Child Support Solution?

The million dollar question is how do you get child support from a deadbeat dad. You don’t get child support from someone you label deadbeat. You only get child support from a man you believe is a decent person who has a vested interest in your child’s well being. You get child support through rational discussion, negotiation, and compromise.

If you happen to be dealing with a truly disinterested guy, you find a way to move on. You forgive yourself for getting involved with him in the first place and you turn your attention to the child you have to raise.

It’s hard and it feels like he owes you something for taking part in making a human life. Unfortunately, he doesn’t owe you anything but he is depriving himself of the opportunity to help raise and support a beautiful child.

Now it’s your turn. Do you think I’m wrong? Explain your answer. How has fighting for child support benefited you? Do you know anyone who has won child support and ultimately ended up happy?

[Video] How to Ignore Your Baby Daddy


A few months ago I wrote an article about how to ignore your baby’s daddy and forget about child support. It’s a hot topic in terms of ignoring the father on one hand, but who can ignore child support.

The video below goes into more detail about why it’s good for your mental and emotional health to let the baby daddy drama go and move on with your life. Check it out and let me know what you think.

[Video] Fear or Faith to Keep Moving Forward

Just like the title says, when life sucks keep moving forward. Samantha shares a word of encouragement and her experience with fear, stagnation, and what seems like dead end roads. It’s all for a purpose and part of the journey to your true self.