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4 Ways to Help Ease Your Child’s Back to School Anxiety
Many parents are nervous as the new school year approaches. Why? Their child is anxious. It’s not uncommon for children and teens to experience headaches, stomach aches, irritability, withdrawal, and other stress-related effects during this time. Fortunately, there...
4 Stress Management Strategies for Overwhelmed Single Moms
When I think about all the stuff that I’ve had to deal with as an overwhelmed single mom I’m reminded that it’s better to pick my battles rather than get wiped out in a pointless war. There is too much going on in my life to allow nit-picky things ruin my day, my...
5+ Books Your Kids Will Love
Trey's Holiday William Thomas the III ( Affectionately called Trey) is like any other 7-year-old he likes bikes, playing in sandlots, and going on adventures with his best friends, Miguel, Dakota, Hakim, and Bai (BaHee). Although Trey's adventures,...
Video: 6 Ways to Deal with Life and Financial Stress
Stress is a killer and becoming the number one killer of women (heart attacks anyone?). What is Stress? Stress shows up as: Sleepless nights Anxiety Eye twitching Irritability Stomach aches Migraines High Blood Pressure Weight gain/loss and...
7 Ways to Save More for Your Upcoming Vacation
Affordable vacations can be difficult to plan. Maybe you have a dream destination, but you can’t quite save up enough for travel costs. Or maybe you can get yourself there, but you’d have to live on bread and water for the entire trip. If your vacation expenses are...
20 Tips for Maintaining Financial Sanity During a Divorce
Managing your finances is never simple, but a divorce can make it far more complex. In addition to the emotional turmoil a divorce can cause in a person’s life, it can also cause a lot of financial upheaval. By establishing a plan and relying on professional help...
Single Motherhood: How to Prepare Your Kids for Life’s Curve Balls
What does a single mom do when she is sick and has small kids? That is the question that was asked on Honoree’s blog. The mom in question was sick and didn’t have anyone to help her. She says her poor kids were being ignored all day but she couldn’t do much for them...